Heavy Squat'n in the Sanitarium

2 years ago

Friiiiday Squat day!
Not sure why but it seems I'm always squating on a Friday, def a great way to finish a work week I guess? LOL...

It was a slug-fest at first as I did 5 sets of hamstring deadlifts first, usually full hamstring/glute w/o's are done the day before but I was away on business so I had to double up and I paid for it...man did it blast me...

New PR just the same...YAY!
On this vid::
working sets
#1 355 x1 (not shown)

#2 355 x1

#3 355 x 3 REPS!!!!

#4 315 x 8...a shitty 8, but 8reps just the same for 2 sets (first one here on the vid...

And I did one more with 275 x 10 but wasn't sure how it was gonna go so I skipped recording it...good thing cuz I actually thought I was heading for a face plant, I didn't and I got the 10 but man o man it sure felt horrible....
Did some light lunging and cable pull-threw super sets at the end, 5 sets, just for shits n giggles cuz you know, why worry about walking for the next 24-48 hrs, right?...uh huh...right...

Over total sets was 24 and although it was a real brute to get thru, I was glad to up my PR by 5lbs and an extra 2 reps....good times...

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