George Webb: Ethnic Cleansing Bio-Weapons in the Donbas Tied to HRC Blackberry Users Cabal

2 years ago

Ethnic BioCleansing In the Donbas? Kolomoisky? It could be true if the new documents captured by the Russians turn out to be authentic.

Mirrored from George Webb Investigative Journalist on Telegram:


Black Bomb Bio-Genetic Weapons Tied to the Hillary Clinton Cabal of Blackberryn Users. The Blackberries may have been Wiped with Bleach Bit and Smashed, but the Russians now have Evidence Straight from the Source.

See my Next Post How the FBI and Peter Stzrok had a complete Backup of the Infamous DNC Server Possibly Tied to Biological Warfare in Ukraine that the FBI Covered Up from the Very Beginning.

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