Rik's Mind Podcast Ep 75- Fireside Chat! Rik's scared of Justin Trudeau + cheap Russian oil futures

2 years ago

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Oh shit it’s another Fireside Chat!! Rik and Jon are loose and ready to riff. Rik spent the last week in New York City, Jon had a very interesting week, Rik is scared of Justin Trudeau, Jon says ‘Fuck NATO’ with his whole chest and Rik gets us all a tight discount on Russian oil futures. Buckle up kiddos.

We as a podcast also wanted to say something about all of the hate that people have been levying at average everyday Russians. Facebook has announced recently that they will ‘temporarily allow‘ any kind of hateful posts and content directed at Russia and Russian people. This is ABHORRENT. We are completely disgusted by this. Average Russians have nothing to do with the actions of their government, just the same as Americans have little to do with the actions of the American government. Hate on Vladimir Putin. Hate on the Russian and American oligarchs. Hate on NATO. Those are your enemies. Those are the people who are escalating this war. Fight for peace ON ALL FRONTS. Don’t trust the media and don’t trust what the American government and NATO are telling you. Don’t be a fucking moron.

Show notes: https://riksmind.com/listen/75firesidechat

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