Review 11 on Ven. Master Xue Wu 20220223《認識佛教》《 It's not given from God》英文字幕 美國英語口音

2 years ago

《 It's not given from God, it's not from a heavenly being up above, it's by people, your society that gives you everything you have. So repay the kindness for those who actually give it to you.》

《All these fortunes come from Filial Piety》

《Treating everyone like their parents, this is the heart of Buddha.》

《In Chinese, there are five categories of fortunes五福: 1)Longevity長夀 2)wealth and high position富貴, 3)health and a peaceful mind康寧, 4)virtues好德 and 5)a Good Death善終 and all these fortunes come from filial piety, from a heart of love and respect towards your parents. This is true! Filial piety,, the love and respect towards elders, is the root of fortune.》

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