They were forced to speak Ukrainian only

2 years ago

Today I visited the town of Melitopol, , city, southeastern Ukraine, on the Molochna River, this town saw atrocities by the AZOV regiment and other neonazi groups, who were forced out by the Russians. According to the Mayor of this town, of which we had a press conference with, the people were intimidated since 2014, the Maidan coup from the EU and US. They were forced to speak Ukrainian only, Russian was forbidden. Now the Russian forces entered, without doing any harm or damage to civilian buildings or institutions.. The Ukrainian army dropped a "heavy" bomb on civilian houses on the 28th of February, when the operation started and destroyed houses, cars, injured some civilians. I will update more pictures later. The town is a mixture of etnic Ukrainians, Tatars and Russians, who lived before the maidan coup of 2014 in harmony. 20% of the civilians fled the city, but now returning.


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