The First Casualty of War Is the Truth

2 years ago

[00:30] U.S. Media Calling for War (14 minutes)

In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. offered virtually no military aid to Ukrainians. In fact, Biden even lifted sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline project. Now, the White House is being pressured to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, a move that many say would trigger a war between Russia and America. Incredibly, this pressure isn't coming from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky alone, but also from the American media.

[14:50] A Change in the Economic World Order (12 minutes)

With the U.S. dollar declining alongside America’s prestige as a world superpower, many nations are looking outside of America for global leadership and economic stability. According to the International Monetary Fund, the war in Ukraine “may fundamentally alter the global economic and geopolitical order should energy trade shift, supply chains reconfigure, payment networks fragment, and countries rethink reserve currency holdings.”

[27:05] NYT: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Turns Out to Be Hunter Biden’s (12 minutes)

Before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post published e-mails detailing Hunter Biden’s illicit business dealings with America’s foreign adversaries. At the time, the Post was removed from social media platforms and the entire Democrat-media complex dismissed the e-mails as Russian disinformation. Yesterday, the New York Times published a story “authenticating” those e-mails. In other words, the laptop did, in fact, belong to Hunter Biden.

[39:15] Bible Study: Act on God’s Truth (14 minutes)

Many traditional Christians sincerely believe that faith in Jesus Christ is all that is required for salvation. In today’s study, we examine the subject of living faith as it relates to obedience to God’s holy laws.

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