2 years ago

A country with 23 years of imposters, is a country spiralling completely out of control. That this has been allowed to happen, by the complacent lazy self oppinionated, deaf dumb and blind populace, tells you every thing you need to know about the demise of America. America has 17 so called security agencies, and each and every one of them, has not only done nothing, they have virtually all been involved in aiding and abetting the carnage, caused by the evil demond rats, deep state, big pharma, big tech and a veritable myriad of other calcitrant entities, hell bent on destroying your wonderful country, Which America once was.
Obummer is one of the most evil criminally treasonous ass holes, to ever walk this earth. This has been one of the most treasonous episodes in world history, Plus the demond rats stealing elections for probably fifty years or more. The censorship the evil treasonous bastards have bought in, world wide, will undoubtedly destroy the whole world, as we know it.
There is only one solution. Which is, all these evil treasonous ass holes must be rounded up and shot or hanged at the earliest possible moment, before they completely destroy the world we all know and love. It is rapidly coming to pass, as we all sit complacently by, and watch our world drifting rapidly away from our grasp. The big problem is, that most people are completely oblivious to the problem, wrappede up in their little cocoons of contentment. They have little concept of what’s about to happen to us all, in the very near future, If we all stand by and just allow it all to happen, it will completely destroy our world, ten times more than it all ready has.
Demond rats have been taking over America for a long time. Schools have completely dumbed down all the younger Americans, and turned them all into left loving, fanatical zealots. Who no body can ever have an inteligent discusion with, or much less an argument with. The comment of the day is “I don’t want to hear that” as they turn on their heel and walk away.
The Demond rats have absolutely no intenion of helping any Americans in any way what soever. There aim, like Obummers, is to strip the entire world and its people of every cent they can, to make each and every one of them, multi multi Millionairs or Billionairs. Obama sent his bag boy, imposter Biden and Biden’s son Hunter on about 124 overseas trip in an airforce Presidential plane, to about 24 plus over seas countries. Stash reputed to be, about 6 billion. But that pales into oblivian, compered to the multi billion Iran cash deal.

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