Covid 19 Vaccines - Political Lies, Devastating Truth

2 years ago

These injections have ravaged the health of people worldwide, while having been promoted by politicians and the health industry as being "safe and effective". The current scale of these devastating effects are only the beginning of what is to come.

The intent of this video is to show the horrifying effects of these shots which were injected into individuals who were coerced by politicians through lies, through the threat of job loss, through the removal of their right to visit family or the right to travel.

Be aware. Stand up. Speak the truth. You are not alone. Millions are standing with you.

We owe it to everyone who has suffered because of these injections and we have a responsibility to our children to protect them and to stand on their behalf, to guarantee them a future in which their health is in their own hands and not mandated by the lies and the coercive and manipulative tactics of the state.

To those who still are in denial I ask..."How many injections are you willing to be FORCED to take? How many should your children be FORCED to take? Trudeau has ordered 10 for each Canadian. If your friends die after the 5th, should you be forced to take the 6th"?

If you are of the belief the government wouldn't do anything to harm you, then I would suggest you look back at history.

Covid 19 Vaccines - Political Lies, Devastating Truth

00:13 The Lies
02:55 The Truth (horrifying effects of the injection)
1:15:04 The Pfizer Document (1,000+ side effects)
1:18:40 Blood Clots
2:00:18 Cancer
2:18:58 AIDS/HIV
2:25:04 DNA Modification
2:38:39 Kickbacks


The Pfizer clinical trial results:

Summary of adverse events (over 1,000) of above trial:


Over 1,000 scientific studies showing the lethality and dangers of these injections from publications such as The Lancet, Pubmed, Science Direct:

Real life stories of individuals suffering from these injections:

Covid Vaccine Victims:

Open VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

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