Mexican Hat Fritters Cucur Penyaram

2 years ago

Mexican Hat Fritters with white sugar
2 glasses wheat flour
1 glass rice flour
1 glass sugar
1 glass water coloring if you prefer.

Mix well all ingredients with water.Then strain mixture.
Keep overnight before frying the next day

Penyaram Cucur Jawa Gula Putih topi nya tinggi tepinya cantik sekali
Penyaram/Cucur Jawa Gula Putih
Bahan bahannya
2 gelas tepung gandum
1 gelas tepung beras
1 gelas gula putih
1 gelas air
......pewarna kek jika suka
Campur kesemua bahan bersama air.Kemudian tapis.
Perap semalaman.Goreng keesokan harinya

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