So Much Cannabis Tax Revenue In Legal States And Are They Spending It Correctly?

2 years ago

Welcome back everyone hope your having a fantastic day. Today's Daily Dose is sponsored by Anchor.FM an all in one podcasting platform all for free and cannabis delivered fast SAVE 40% OFF NOW use CODE: DAILY at checkout.

There's so much money in cannabis right now and a key point that also shows us this is true is how much tax revenue is being generated in legal states documented from 2021. There is such an abundance of cash in these states that the local leaders are fighting over how to use it.

Ofcourse for many of these states a portion of the tax revenue is to be spent on programs for those effected disproportionately by drug laws going back decades.

In this episode I am looking over an article produced by NBC recently highlighting which states have actually allocated money to these programs and which ones have fell short on that promise. One thing is clear though and that is the fact each of these states are sitting on boat loads of cash. I always wonder how it is we have so many problems in our cities when there is a lot of capital sitting on the sidelines waiting to do something.

I'm sure many people within their communities have ideas of how that money can improve their local neighborhoods, just like myself I know there better ways to be spending this money where if properly managed with oversight can be effective to accomplish the goals set out initially.

Must be nice for states to have such financial security and a bright future in the cannabis industry.

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