2022 Bonus Episode #2 - Exposing the Hidden Data

2 years ago

Bonus Episode 2 - Exposing the Hidden Data

-Hear how they are still trying to cover up the fact that this virus is man-made and see the truth behind what really happened
-Is the United States government funding the production of bioweapons? One of our experts says YES
-Learn the truth about the dangers of the spike proteins and the harm they can cause any organ in your body
-See why the CDC shut down the Swine Flu vaxx after around 50 deaths yet this one continues with over 24,000 deaths
-Discover what Big Pharma is hiding from us and why it’s not being publicized by the mainstream media
-Take a look at how experts read reports like VAERS and extract the real data from them (the real data shows there’s A LOT more going on that you would guess)
-Is artificial intelligence being used with this vaxx technology? See the details in this episode
-Plus more information from our experts that reveals the data they would prefer remain hidden

Over 1,135,000 COVID vaccine injuries, reported to VAERS, including:
Over 24,400 deaths
Over 133,000 hospitalizations
Over 34,000 Myocarditis/Pericarditis
Over 176,000 doctor office visits
Over 27,800 life-threatening events
And over 44,500 people who are permanently disabled
As of February 18, 2022, this is just a sampling of the startling data we’ve uncovered.
Research is showing that this number could actually be only 1% of what the real number is – meaning you can multiply any of the above numbers by 100 to get an idea of a more likely number.
They are freezing bank accounts, continuing to push their agenda, and lining their pockets with billions of dollars in revenue while their hands are soaked in blood of vaccine victims.
So, where does this all end?
It ends when we finally put our foot down and stand in unison to battle their agenda.
And that begins and ends with educating yourself on the information they don’t want you to know about.
The censored information that has been hidden from the general public for over two years now.

Curated from: https://cvdsecrets.com/

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