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Journey To Sobriety With Stephan Neff

2 years ago

“Even after 8 years of rehab, there are still things I am dealing with”

This hit me hard!

For those who know my story, you know very well about my history with alcohol and drug addiction and how I slowly healed and transformed my life over the years!

But healing has no ultimatum - it happens EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

So today I want to welcome my guest on The Art Of Quantum Healing Podcast as we dive deep into the journey towards sobriety together and how, even after recovering, we still have stuff to figure out!

Stephan Neff is an anesthetist and has had more than a fair share of trauma in his life, which ultimately led him to turn towards vodka to drown his PTSD, depression and anxiety. . But things changed and nowadays he lives a very different life, where self-love, humility, integrity and transparency actually mean something.

Come join us today where we share our stories and discover how our stories and yours might not be so different after all…

Learn more about Leisa and her services here: https://www.leisanadler.com/

Follow Stephan on Instagram @stepstosobriety: https://www.instagram.com/stepstosobriety/


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Love you always,

Leisa xx


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