The Coming Civil War in America

2 years ago

Attention this is not a drill.

The world is being taken over by an ancient bloodline that practices black magick and is spoken of throughout the entire bible and other religious works worldwide. they are the descendants of the angel of death Samael who is also known as Azazel - the archangel of death or the archangel of wrath. He is the true father of cain - who is wrath's child aka the head of the ROTHSCHILD family - who we know as the khazarian mafia elite. They are NEFILIM hybrids. They carry both human and angelic DNA and have been secretly building up their power for thousands of years in an effort to bring about the second age of atlantis. atlantis was not a peaceful utopia. it was a nightmare kingdom ruled by nefilim freaks who used human beings as sex slaves and food. Queen Elizabeth the Second's head of intelligence and court magician sir francis bacon wrote a book titled - The New Atlantis - which is an encoded book describing the plan also detailed in another khazarian publication known as the learned protocols of the elders of zion - it is a several thousand year spanning plan to take over the world and enslave mankind again. they believe that it is their right to control creation because it is their belief that God abandoned us long ago. What they do not realize is - God never abandoned mankind. God just went silent and has been watching them the entire time. They were given a second chance and they are wasting it. The True Creator is all knowing and all powerful and exists beyond their understanding. God is as far above them as they are above a worm or more appropriately a maggot - which is a great symbol of what these beings truly are. They are eaters of the dead. vile blood drinkers and sodomites. they hide in plain sight among us using their ancient magickal abilities that are remnants of the advanced science possessed in the ancient world and has been hidden from us by the masonic lodge - which is nothing more than a secret satanic cult that worships the dead and fallen angels with disgusting and depraved rituals that include rites of ritualistic sodomy of children and even child sacrifice. I have said it many times on this channel and I will say it again - I saw THOUSANDS of children being loaded into semi trucks outside a masonic lodge in new mexico. There were police helping. They have infiltrated all positions of power and if you do not revolt IMMEDIATELY they will have taken total control of the world within the next few years. They will use a fake world war set off by the detonation of a nuclear weapon in ukraine. it will be a thermobaric bomb which will create a mushroom cloud - just like a nuke produces. They will use this as an excuse to enter the NATO and United Nations into World War 3. DO not fall for their lies.

You must prepare for war, a civil war. It is time for the second american revolution to begin.

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That is all

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