2014 AutismOne - Kelly Rivera - Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism and Beyond

2 years ago

Archive of this video which has been censored:
Duration 1:01:50

May 24, 2014
AutismOne Conference
Kerri Rivera
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism and Beyond

Transcript - auto
two years ago our next presenter who happens to be my sister
this stage and delivered a message that would spark a grassroots movement which would touch the lives of thousands of
families of children with autism across the world today 133 children have lost
their autism diagnosis as a result of the protocol that you are about to hear about some of the families of these
children are here today you can meet them in CalPERS karaoke lounge after the
keynote speech we are going to be moving over there we are in the war Hall we're going to be there at 12:30 please come
over we're going to have an informal Q&A and all families sharing information so please join us the revolution that my
sister has started has spread to over 60 countries and the information is available in over 15 languages this has
led to an amazing movement of families helping other families to heal their children 11 years ago when my sister's
own son was diagnosed with autism she made a decision to heal him and that decision was the catalyst that led us to
this moment 133 children healed thousands more with undeniable gains and a movement which is
uniting people from around the world in the spirit of healing children and adults alike it is my extreme honor to introduce to
you of my sister my best friend Carrie Rivera [Applause]
I love me more I really do and all your angels it's happened to me every year I
have to cry and somebody emailed me they said move you this stuff work so well
how come you had a cold never cold cuz they cut the video so you know you don't actually get to see it thank you for the
introduction that's beautiful huh my makeups a mess but anyway the message is more important than the makeup I'm sure
obviously there's the book healing the symptoms known as autism my journey
began while my journey began obviously before 2006 but it was a was a very important time when I met doctor inland
and we had lunch together this was a really phenomenal day I don't know if any of you don't know who dr. Rivlin is
but he started all the biomedical interventions and he's the first person back in 1964 to say something is
different about my child this is not a psychological disorder and so he had us translate the Dan protocol into Spanish
he told me to take it to Latin America and I think we have done a phenomenal job in his honor continuing with the mission what is
autism so with the children with autism seem to have certain things in common
virus bacteria Candida parasites heavy metals inflammation and food allergies
autism is not a lack of supplements a lot of times we see these mega vitamin
therapies and they really seem to be very expensive and we don't seem to get all we really wanted out of them we need
to focus on the on the excess in autism which are the pathogens what is the
protocol it starts off with a diet then we have the chlorine dioxide the
pro-oxidant we use ocean water we have parasite protocol sometimes we
use certain supplements some children need chelation some children never need chelation they can they can recover
before that some children use hyperbaric some children never needed hyperbarics to recover and then of course the GC
mass factor which is amazing and has been also a game-changer for the protocol and again some children
they recover before that's why their steps the piece of the biofilm that dr.
Angelou's maan gave us back in 2007 was very important for us to understand the
the conditions in the gut so basically what she was doing and still does is hit all pathogens at one time because a lot
of times I think some of you might have seen that there's you know protocols where they're giving all antifungals or
antivirals or maybe a couple of things but if you don't get them all together we're still missing a piece and then we
kind of get out of whack so the nice thing with the chlorine dioxide is that were able to take care of almost all of it and then with the addition the
parasite protocol really take care of every angle of this the diet the most
important thing is the diet might have people say well you know we're 90% the diet so we really want to get started I
think getting started means getting the diet piece down and of course there's a lot of gluten-free casein-free sad diets
out there so we have to always kind of tweak our diet at certain points but you know when we start off we do what we can
step one is definitely gluten-free casein-free soy free you know we have to
get certain sometimes cut kids are taking supplements they're like gummy bears and things like that we have to usually clean those up and get rid of
the sugars that's very very important and this is kind of the basic first step eventually we can take out some other
things if we need to still this protocol doesn't do very well with these particular fruits pineapple mango and
all the citrus lemon lime orange grapefruit because they're very anti oxide they're very anti oxidants so they
will kill the pro-oxidant that is the chlorine dioxide that kills the biofilm and the pathogens so we have to be very
very careful there's certain fruits that they can have like apples bananas pears but I'm also again tweaking the diet
sometimes we go ahead and pull out all fruit altogether no juice it doesn't matter if it's
organic home squeezed fresh squeezed however you want to say it there's no juice it doesn't matter if it's orange juice apple juice pear juice juice juice
juice there's a lot of antioxidants and juice and there's a lot of sugar and juice so we really try to keep the sugar lower because we don't want the sugar in
the brain and of course feeding all the pathogens they have Candida absolutely loves it there's a lot of problematic
ingredients I think it's very important that you turn the label over especially the people that are new to the biomedical intervention or recently
diagnosed children the front of cookie boxes and bread boxes will say gluten-free we grab we put it in the
cart we get at home and has yeast as coloring as flavoring all kinds of things so really watch out for these and one of the ones that a lot of people are
using now are yogurts that are made from nuts like coconut for instance they're fine but if they have carrageenan that
causes brain inflammation as well as the nut milks be careful with the carrageenan
step two chlorine dioxide in the ocean water so once we have the diet down now we move into the second step I like to
give families 7 to 10 days to actually go ahead and get the diet straight you know you've cleaned out your coverage with the garbage you put in the stuff
that they can have they're eating the foods that they can have and now we can go ahead and focus on dosing this is my
absolute favorite quote because I think it fits us so well all truth passes through three stages first it is
ridiculed second it is violently opposed and third it is accepted as self-evident and I'm
really hopeful that we're definitely in the third phase and I believe that the
missing piece of the puzzle to autism recovery is chlorine dioxide
chlorine dioxide will kill pathogens it will kill virus bacteria Candida and
parasites actually a mother yesterday who might be here today was saying my child is just passing tons and tons of
parasites and they're not even doing a parasite protocol yet so I I usually say we need a parasite protocol for the
killing of parasites we still can get some parasite death because it's you know changing the environment in the gut
as well so it's still very very good the chlorine dioxide will also neutralize heavy metals so people that are doing
chelation I know one of the doctors who does even IV chelation with some of the children that I work with found that
they had really good pools using the chlorine dioxide because they had the metals already neutralized so that's
also they go very very very well hand-in-hand so and it's going to kill through oxidation and it's going to help
her limit reduce and and eliminate the inflammation of course the inflammation is caused by the pathogen so we get rid
of the pathogens in the inflammation definitely going to go down and it's gonna stimulate the immune system so now
the body is also going to help us with the healing and that of course is our ultimate goal that we're able to to heal
and of course you know getting rid of the biofilm like we saw before in the other slide so what is chlorine dioxide
chlorine dioxide is a pro-oxidant it's a mix of sodium chloride and an acid you
can use citric acid or HCL 4% there's different acids that they use but that's primarily what we're using now it is a
positively charged molecule as is the body so they repel each other that's why it does not damage the body there's a
lot of people that are saying that it can be damaging again we have 133 that have lost their diagnosis we haven't
killed anybody and really we get the sickest kids because most of the kids have gone to see everybody else before
they come here so we get the kids that really if it was possible to get harmed
would have been harmed by that and of course chlorine dioxide isn't all the municipal waters and it's been used for
since eighteen 1800s so it's not something that's really unknown to us and it really doesn't do anything other
than in 60 minutes it's it's done doing its entire action it is not accumulating in the body chlorine dioxide is not
bleach if it was we'd all just be buying it in the grocery store and that would be perfectly fine but chlorine dioxide
is not chlorine bleach they're completely different from a chemical
standpoint they do sound really similar but I always like that oxygen o2 and
ozone o3 they sound like cousins well kind of because you know we have to free
molecules and then the other one is three but they have very different functions and of course you need to breathe oxygen whereas on you it's
really can't breathe that you can put it in your vein you can rectal inflation you can do a lot of things with ozone but definitely not breathing it so that
kind of gives an idea how different words can sound especially chemically so when we talk to our doctors about what
chlorine dioxide is and isn't probably would be better off talking to a chemical engineer about what chlorine dioxide isn't isn't chlorine dioxide
comes from a family of oxidizers meaning they kill through oxidation so they're
pro oxidants ozone has 2.07 that's why it's more controlled hydrogen peroxide is
1.80 and an oxygen being around the body is a one point two eight to one point
three zero and chlorine dioxide as you can see is zero point nine five so it's less than the actual body so it can't do
the harm to the body that the other ones could do and it also has a life of about sixty minutes so we get a lot more a
time with the chlorine dioxide in the body so that it can go deeper into the body and really root out the pathogens
how to activate a drop we start with a dry glass shot glass we put in one drop
of the of the sodium chloride one drop of the acid we wait for anywhere between thirty and sixty Seconds I like sixty
seconds this can kind of even in the old CD community we can still have our discrepancies I'm going with sixty
seconds you know you decide and then we add water this could still change but anyway the baby bottle method has been
phenomenal cuz people say to me oh I'm so afraid of the proto clown white kid to vomit you know this really took away
what happened to me I think people have heard my story because nobody was really using it for a well nobody was using it
for autism when I started four years ago and they definitely you know weren't using the lower doses so when we started
off it was kind of we start off with one drop well still one drop for a lot of us is way too much so with the baby bottle
method what we did we so we activate our drop and then we put it into eight ounces of water and then we give one
ounce eight times a day and this way we're doing one eighth of a drop at a time so it's a very low low dose and if
you give one eighth of a drop it on the first time we see like you don't feel so good or your child doesn't feel so good
you can always go ahead and pour half the bottle out fill it with water and we get to one sixteenth of a drop so we can
always break it down if necessary I don't usually find that it's necessary I'd say maybe once every six months I
find that's necessary so of course I just explained all that and then on day two we would put two
drops of each in each glass it would be two drops of sodium chloride two of drops of the acid in our tequila glass
and then we would add that Torr 8 ounces of water we would just go up slowly you know and sometimes we
go up every three days for the small children sometimes we go up every day it just depends on how everybody's feeling
the protocol is an oral rectal and baths and then of course we have some kind of
kamikaze things on the weekends sometimes but they work very well for some children the oral dosing can be
anywhere from 8 to 16 doses a day this is not a miracle pill this is a lot of
work the parents who have recovered their kids and have their children in recovery work very very hard it's really
difficult to get used to dosing every single hour but the results are phenomenal and those sunrise parents you guys are amazing
so what their kids are dosing all the time I was an ABA parent so using the
baby bottle method really helps as far as dosing by weight so we're going to go up a you have a 25 pound child it's
eight drops as the full dose a 50 pound child is going to be 16 so we kind of go up like that enemas we do every day
every other day again it's gonna depend on what we're seeing and people say well my child's not constipated I don't need
to do enemas it really isn't based on constipation has more to do with what's coming out and how they're looking and feeling
because a lot of times the enemas because they're detoxifying they're just looking a lot better and baths some children love baths so we can do them
every day sometimes it's every other day some children do not like baths and we do more enemas it just depends on the circumstances and 72 to is not a
separate protocol that's once we're on full oral enema baths we can go ahead and take a weekend those of you know
Cutler it's kind of like that like you Spacely don't sleep from Friday to Monday every - every two hours you're
giving a dose and basically what happens is a pathogens don't get a chance to review it at night so we're actually
hitting them all day all night all day all night and that seems to make a difference in some of our children here
again is the is the dosing schedule so we go everywhere from 25 pounds all the way up to a hundred pounds and then of
course from a hundred we just start going like if your child is at their child's 150 pounds we take the 25 drops
from the first hundred and then we take the 15 from the 50 and that's when we get our dosing and where we're going to
work up to we never start there we dose up and as we approach full dose it's a
good idea to maybe slow it down a little bit so if you have a child who is a hundred pounds you might want to it may
be like 20 drops aren't taking too three days to get to twenty one two or three days again because sometimes some
of the children especially in the beginning might do better on a little bit lower dose which is fine it just you know we really need to watch our
children and they're gonna be leading us along and then of course sometimes when they get to 24 of 25 it's like
miraculous because they really needed that dose I mean you'll see as you go along the enemas people that are not
used to enemas fear enemas and those of us who are used to enemas think they're amazing so for every 100 milliliters of
water we put in two drops of chlorine dioxide so I know even adults to do it on their self if you're gonna do a two
liter enema you're gonna want 40 drops in there so it's always the percentage that's what's really most important and
even two-year-old children are doing basically 700 milliliters of water in their enemas so those little bulbs that
are 60 milliliters are pretty worthless if you do see parasites coming out parasite material coming out it's a good
idea to add another enema just to get just a clear because sometimes they stay in the intestine and of course they start to digest them and that's very
toxic to them so if you do see parasites coming out definitely rinse again make sure there's no parasites there's normal
to see stool in the intestine but it's not really normal to see parasite material coming out if you have any
doubts about what you're seeing take a photo send it to us on Facebook will be glad to identify for you some
options for enemas I really like the catheter with the syringes when you get started it's it's very easy to control
because the catheter goes in it's very very small it's very very flexible and then you're just changing the syringe on
the outside I think if we need more water my absolute favorite enema bag in the world as the blue one somebody
actually brought me there from Europe somebody brought me two as a gift so grateful lovely somebody actually said
Anna NEMA and Facebook they said if she loves enemas so much why is she doing on herself that's my favorite bag
and then of course the red one is the ones you can find locally at the pharmacies but the other one you can find online there's just different
options and everybody gets used to what works for them this was from a colon hydrotherapist who we actually had the
the pleasure to know on our Facebook group for a while and she left us with some very interesting information as to
why we're doing colonics well basically we do like these coal enemas the enemas when you do a colon cleanse you're not
only cleaning the colon but the liver the gallbladder are able to dump 70 percent of the lymphatic system is in
the column so when you're doing kilometers or enemas you will see mucus the digestive enzyme lining the
digestive linings sheds and grows a new lining every three to four days so as you can see our bodies are made to give
us a chance to get better 70 to 80 percent of our immune system is in the colon as well the gut and brain are
connected when the gut is balanced the brain is balanced this is just a pearl of wisdom that I had to share with you
because people say well my kids don't you know I told you about that with kid you know my kids thought constipated why do I need this this is why and that's
why we don't really have to use like milk thistle other things for the liver because we're detoxifying the liver every day so the toxins go in we do the
enema we clear them out the seedy baths we can do anywhere from ten to thirty
drops in a small container it really doesn't matter what the container is so if you live anywhere in the world you
don't have to have a spent you know a petty spa or anything like that this is fine and then the baths they can be
anywhere from 20 to 200 I've had mothers tell me that they've done 200 drop baths and they feel fantastic so just stay 20
minutes in there and they do great the steam bath a lot of the children they get the congestion I start working with
people sometimes and they're having them asthma and bronchitis and things that are very chronic and their children or
even in themselves a lot of the moms have asthma parasites um so the steam baths are great because you just
basically plug the drain put 20 drops in the tub of the bottom of the tub and
then turn on the shower so that that water is going to this the driven the gas is going to raise up into the air
it's very very light mist because it's only 20 drops and of course we're gonna be breathing that lightly very very very lightly and that really
helps a lot especially in the beginning of a cold or something like that or any kind of nasal congestion this is my actual
humidifier this a mom came up with this one and it's a very light mist so it
basically it's nine drops per liter or 35 drops per gallon and these are available on Amazon they're so cute they
come in so many different animals pandas and pans this is another mother and a
lot of this is just you know this is accumulating all of the healing that we've seen over the last several years
that we've been working together and this has really been a movement of people working together this is not me
this is us and a mom started to treat her son with a dose every single hour
and that made all the difference in her son's recovery you'll see a picture of him in a little while but if you have a
pandas Pan's diagnosis we really want to do one ounce every single hour and people will say yeah but that he eats
all the time or she eats all the time it doesn't matter at that point you should pull the Apple out of the hand or whatever and just give the dose because
it's gonna be really important that you're dosing from the second that the child wakes up until the second the child goes to bed because the panas is
challenging and the pan is with the 16 doses a day together the parasite protocol is very healing to get rid of
that double dosing double dosing is 2 ounces at one time and we use this
further along we don't use this right in the beginning we use as basically as we get into the parasite protocol but it
helps us to control when the parasites are dying and the child is looking very strange some kids start running around
climbing furniture or whatever it is that we're seeing with them at that point you know the Tantrums night waking
the parasites with new they wake the children between 1 and 1 and 3:00 in the morning yeast flares they're laughing there's
their breath smells like a ferment then we would go ahead and do it a 2 ounce dose and sometimes we have to do that
for a couple of hours in a row to be able to get that down the things that
kill chlorine dioxide like I was saying and I'm repeating it because it happened so often and I've watched people lose
many many months of recovery by giving pineapple mango citrus lemon lime
oranges grapefruits vitamin C is a supplement a lot of people you know they were my kid has low vitamin C
need vitamin C we get rid of the vitamin C we get rid of the antioxidant supplements coq10 alae you know whatever
the antics and some people say well gaba is an ant accent not really this is these are basically our antioxidant
supplements and we like to really separate the chlorine dioxide from food 15 to 30 minutes of course a 1 hours
ideal but you know don't starve the children so just do the best you can I've had people starving their children so you know we have to use our brain on
this one I'd rather see people start going to more dosing if the child really does graze all day long and just dose
every hour that's Nina just take the guesswork out of it and eventually they'll stop so much grazing because we're going to have more control of the
pathogens people say to me my kid doesn't drink water what do I do this has to be taken with water but somebody
found out as another mother sweet leaf stevia goes fine with it and it does not kill it so on online you can buy a lot
of different flavored sweet leaf if in fact the child is used to drinking flavored beverages you could use that as well more uses for chlorine dioxide
heavy metal neutralization teeth eyes nose bites and stings injury and skin
it's kind of like this you can do pretty much everything with it so with the heavy metals it's going to neutralize the heavy metals and if the child is
actually doing pretty well with their detoxification they will be able to eliminate their heavy metals and then some of them are going to be using key
leaders eventually so it just depends on the circumstance and again as we get you know three four months along five months
along we can take a look at whether we're going to add some key later or not the spray the spray is I'm sorry is 10
drops in one ounce of water so if you have a four ounce bottle you're just according you just go up and you can
spray your toothbrush with it to brush your teeth you can put it on your skin abrasions dandruff and you know anything
that just seems to be a little off it go ahead and spray it put fungus eye ears
and nose this is phenomenal this is oak injunctive ID is an ear infection things
that you will use to go to get antibiotics or we don't have to do that anymore so we put one activated drop
into one ounce of water and we put it in a dropper bottle and we can drop it into
the eyes if we have conjunctivitis obviously it's acute we can put the drops in the eyes every 15 minutes until the situation is
gone usually doesn't take more than one day and then with the ear infection if you do we do the drops in the ears every
15 minutes I found that it doesn't take more than three hours four hours for that to go away and of course the nose
if there's any nasal discharge you can just put some drops every 15 minutes till that stops as well some people even
had chronic cases of like congestion and things like that and they dose every hour for you know several weeks and that
usually solves the situation constipation and diarrhea we do need to
replace the friendly flora that's for sure and that we do need to kill the pathogens constipation with the enemas
is phenomenal we do the oral dosing which really helps the upper part and then of course we're going to take care
of the bottom part with the enemas and also the constipation comes from the parasites because the parasites release
the morphine which stalls the peristalsis in the gut so there's always a reason for and of course we're going
to go for what the actual root is we're not just going to be bandaging these things with suppositories but the enemas
are going to also help kill the pathogens and we're going to start the parasite protocol as soon as we get to
full dose and we'll start it with the full moon there's a couple different ones several different methods of making
chlorine dioxide some people absolutely love CDH it's called seedy holding and it has a slower activation the flavors a
bit better and you can of course put stevia in this and you know that helps a lot too and then we have C D S which is
the chlorine dioxide solution that was created by andreas kalcker they were using it with livestock and of course
none of the none of the the heads were dying so it was a very good thing we use this for a while with autism I we didn't
have any recoveries with the C D s if we did I think we might have had one so it's not something that I use very often
but the children that are very sensitive like the ones that are 116 or 1/32 of a drop and still really have a hard time
with that one we go right to C D s and then I have had good success and when we get to full dose on the CTS I start to
take out one milliliter the CTS and put in one drop of the chlorine dioxide and then we start to work our into the the regular CD but with the CD
s there's no raw material in it so very sensitive people do pretty well with
this for colds and flu we definitely do a dosing every single hour if they stop
eating or we stop eating then of course we're not going to oral dose we can do baths we can do enemas but then we would probably not be oral dosing anymore and
of course once you see like even if your child just starts to have a little bit of discharge from the nose I would start the nasal drops right away herxheimer
people will call things secondary effects secondary effects is like I'll see people that were on certain medical
you know some of these pharmacology or pharmacological drugs and they have a tick like they have a tick for the rest
of the life because you know five years ago they were taking these drugs that's the secondary effect a herxheimer is
these can be hiccups nasal drain like is
if they're getting a cold but it's usually just detoxification can be tiredness fatigue changes in sleep
improvement or now they're kind of night waking a little bit flushing and they getting red heartburn or burping or
really stinky gas nausea vomiting diarrhea we got their gas again bloating
so their stomach you know it gets really really big chills you know like you're getting in the cold you're not really
feeling too good headache usually it's dehydration from the from the detox are real important
that we keep the water flowing so they can push out all the toxins and then sometimes the kids will get and then they'll come up and they'll go with just
as fast kind of blisters around the mouth and virus whatever but the interesting thing is it comes up really
fast it'll just happen one day and then a few days later we'll just be completely gone and parents are usually shocked by this but it is part of this
detox and it's a herb Siemer what is not really compatible with the chlorine dioxide protocol antioxidants
for sure are really not compatible because they kill the chlorine dioxide mega vitamin therapies are not also
because there's just too much going in and of course the body really can't focus on detoxification which getting all this information b12 our children
are usually low in b12 when they have parasites because the parasites absolutely love b12 as well as they love
iron so there's a lot of anaemia in our kids especially the ones that are loaded with parasite
fever therapy fever is actually an opportunity to kill the pathogens in the
body so many times when our children get the fever we run for fever reducers and that really doesn't let the body kill
off the pathogens and many times when we start the chlorine dioxide protocol our immune system will get turned on we'll
get a fever so now we're actually able to kill the pathogen that we probably should have killed years ago we were giving it the fever reducer that caused
all of our issues to begin with but now we have an opportunity so we don't leave the child roasting in the bed and we
don't stay roasting in the bed if it happens to us you can take a hot bath maybe five to seven minutes and then get
out and that change in temperature will bring down the fever it's also really important to use washcloths wet them
cool water wring them out keep them on the forehead in the back of the neck 24/7 my kid gets a fever
I don't sleep that night but it works beautifully and typically one to three days later we're having an improvement
from prior to the fever so it's definitely worth it because it's a natural way of immunity as Kenny Bach
and his phenomenal book the road to immunity shared with us and of course this is how we came here you know
millions and millions here we came prepared to make it through the environment not just waiting for the pharmacy to open on the corner ocean
water we use minerals that are natural and our body are able to absorb them so
basically the people say yeah but my kid needs vitamins what we do need and all of us need especially in any detoxification protocol our minerals so
we're using the natural minerals of the earth and there are 90 which is the
entire periodic table and they are they revitalize ourselves and what's really
nice is the conductivity in the brain that's the part that gets me the most excited because it's kind of like that science project you can see on YouTube
where you have the light bulb and you know the cables going into the water and you have you have the salt and you have
light and then you put in sugar and you have no light basically the same thing in the in this situation so the improve
the improvement of the brain conductivity is fantastic and it's nearly identical to human blood so it's something that our bodies don't find for
and like many of the mineral supplements that are that are made from rocks and things we dose chlorine dioxide we take
we take straight ocean water and we divide we in we dilute it into three parts of
purified water so basically if you have 10 milliliters of ocean water you put it with 30 milliliters of drinking water
and we do this one to three times a day some people do much better on higher doses of ocean water but again it's
really important to take the hypertonic which is the pure ocean water and make it into isotonic so that we can absorb it into the body and people say but my
kid doesn't like to drink it so I just give it straight it doesn't work like that it's a complete opposite of what we're trying to do we definitely want
the absorption of the minerals so it's important to always do 1 2 3 when you're using the ocean water step three is the
parasite protocol this is a game changer for us so dr. andreas kalcker and Miriam
Carrasco came up with this protocol a few years ago this actual one is only two years old but it's so good it really
hasn't changed in the past 2 years and this like I said it's been a real game-changer to us and people are always
shocked when they see parasites coming out it's 18 day protocol that takes place over the full moon so two days
prior to the actual full moon which you can find in Google when it is we start dosing day one and we use peer Intel we
use my Ben dissolve and these are all things we can get online we use diatomaceous earth we also use castor
oil and those are what we are using for
killing parasites we use all soma Ben assault implants this is also something
kind of new but the children that have a lot of parasites in their gut when we go
ahead and do the implant it makes a big difference so basically at night time right before bed the children again that
are passing a lot of parasites on the protocol will crush up a hundred milligram tablet will put it with 15 to
20 milliliters of water which is a very small amount of water will suck it up into syringe put it up against the rectum at night and then syringe it in
and the peristalsis will take that up into the intestine so at night it will be killing parasites that are already in
there and then in the morning we do an enema and when we pull when we do the enema to pull out a lot of dead parasites so the children will have a
fabulous day that do this this has been very very interesting to watch the implant change labs that show parasitic
infection it is very hard to find a lab that actually gives us a positive on parasites so we have to read into what
it what we're seeing on some of the labs if we're doing labs at all low b12 is common to seeing our children low iron
high ammonia high oxalate C's they're all from parasites that oxalate or not the food was not the problem for
parasites in the low ale cinephile so these are things that you can see if you do do labs or you have done labs look back
into them and you'll typically see this and of course once you start you'll start seeing parasites these are some
pin worms that we have a little out of focus but you get the idea that they're just these stringy long thin and these
will come out pretty much in the beading because they'll hang out around the rectum and then of course we you know
call them round worms some of them are rope but anyway the Ascari's lumbricoides is pretty common what we
see you can see the RO penis so these are all washed with hot water so when people say oh no that's intestinal mucus
intestinal mucus if you put it under hot water will dissolve and fall through these are all washed in strainers with
hot water and you can see them looking very much like worms and their length as
well this one this is 40 inches long this mother is a pioneer and what she's
doing a real warrior and her son is now so much better you'll see a picture of him in a little bit but this is very
common for them to get out and forty inches really this is not mucus
look at this one you can even see the naughtiness of it you can see the texture of these this is just what's
coming out of our kids it's a small sampling of what's coming out of our kids these are the stages of the rope so
sometimes they can look bubbly a lot of parents will say yeah I saw a bubble in the toilet there we go it's a rope and they just have a different look than the
other worms but still there's so many different types of parasites that we most everything I think that's coming
out is some sort of parasite material at some sort of stage this is not one of
our kids and actually the interesting thing is the one that you saw a couple screens ago you notice there's no blood
on it it's just basically clean this is not with chlorine dioxide this is not with the kalcker parasite protocol
between the chlorine dioxide oral enema and the in the kalcker parasite protocol we never see blood this is not something
that's bleeding and all that we don't see that kind of stuff but that's other protocol that's used by some other people I think that Russia and Russia
this doctor is but you know of course it wasn't dead enough to slip away from the intestine itself so this is not one of
ours but it is a rope and these are some more of that same that same mother who
is healing her son and he's doing so well it's just one parasite after another and more healing every single
day and this Y is a hard NICU
it's an egg sack but it wasn't a hardship I just think it's so cute it's
tough so the the larvae are in there and a lot of times we'll see parents getting
tons and tons and tons of this out which is great because these never developed into full-grown worms so this is a very
exciting thing to see this is a couple years ago and the mother ended up
getting this parasite out of her child but first she took a picture and it was three feet long and so another mom at an
autism one conference a couple years ago showed it to a doctor and the doctor said that it was a fruit fiber so we're still on the hunt for the three foot
long banana that it came from this
little gal had a very distended belly she is also a child who has a lot of parasites and has done very very well
you'll see in a couple of slides as well but now her tummy is nice and flat and of course her a-tech scores fallen a lot
she's not yet recovered but she's doing phenomenally well cheerleading and everything else so after three full moon
protocols we start to layer other interventions in if we haven't recovered the child yet we do keep the chlorine
dioxide in the parasite protocol going the entire time as well as the diet as we're adding in other steps and and even
if there's you know there's still more things to do a lot of us for instance are doing all of the steps we're doing the hyperbaric we got the GC map in and
we're just going you know month after month and you know where some of us are rolling into several years but just the
same our children are always getting better step four other supplements these
are some of the supplements that we're using and most of them have to do with speech or seizure control and some of
them have a double function for both so that's typically what we're using we're definitely not supplementing
deficiencies because the reason why is we're more focused on eliminating the excess but it is speech is an issue for
so many of us so carnosine gaba t mg d mg the b6 or p5 piece sometimes we use
l-carnitine these are very good for speech and of course it's really important you know one capsule doesn't usually do it sometimes we have to
titrate up so that it's actually actually at a therapeutic dose because gaba for some kids you know can be as
high as 5,000 milligrams a day it's just depending on what the necessity is what
causes seizures a lot of people really we don't know a lot of doctors don't know but what we have found is the
children with a lot of parasites with high high levels of ammonia when will be
the children who have a lot of seizures so once we start to get rid of the parasites we'll start to see these seizures go away and sometimes it can
happen really really quickly just with the chlorine dioxide starting so but sometimes we need to add some
supplements in and these are some of the supplements for the seizure control as you can see many of them are the speech
ones so we just can go ahead and add and then titrate up until we get exactly
what we want GABA and Capra and often people with children have had seizures keppra is one
of the drugs but you know gaba basically works on the exact same pathways so sometimes we can do really good things
with the supplements as well this little lady had a lot of seizures she had the grand mal tonic clonic every 17 days and
now she's been seizure free for I don't know 200 days maybe something like that
and you know just counting 200 days and Counting and then of course her first round was also something like 200 days
and then she had one and that was usually because there was something with a they did they rested on the parasite
medicine or something like that and so that caused it but then she was fine again anyway so her a tech went from 79
to 32 and you can just see the difference in her face and she's doing cheerleading and having friends and the
other day her mom posted a picture of her with some friends that came to visit her and something really lovely very nice to see step5 chelation
we're using bio chelate bentonite clay zeolite some families are working with
practitioners and they do DMPs EDTA different different key leaders they go with the protocol like I said some one
of my friends she does IV chelation and that works also with the protocol for the people that you know are doing that
kind of thing we typically use you know the other ones like bentonite clay oral and bath zeolite oral
or the or the bio key later all three of these they actually go quite well so for the metals these are the good ones step
six and seven hyperbarics and GC math when parents tell me okay we don't have some money I'm ready to do something
more you know we're not there yet what should I do next I think it has a lot to do with what you have at your access so
friends if you live and there's a chamber somewhere in your vicinity go ahead and you can start the chamber or if not then you can order your GC math
get started on your GC map and then when you do you know have time and vacation time or whatever you can travel to a
chamber the GC math and hyperbarics go very well together so this would be kind
of an either/or there's many different types of chamber this is just my chamber so it's a oxygen under pressure so it
gets into body takes down the inflammation and the important thing with the chamber is because I've heard
so many people tell me I've done chamber and my kid got worse oh I didn't see any changes it's really important that the child is ready physically ready so some
people come to me they say okay you know we're doing hyperbarics right now but we're not on the protocol yet I will usually ask them if it's possible they
can hold off with the rest of their sessions and then maybe in about four months go ahead and finish off those
sessions because I think that they would get a better result because we have aerobic bacteria and aerobic parasites
so they would also be benefiting from the hyperbaric chamber so the timing is everything we definitely want to start
working down the population of the parasites and the bacteria in order to benefit the most from the oxygen therapy
because it is a very expensive one and we definitely want our children to have the best best results it needs to be
applied in the right order again putting hyperbarics you know before the protocol I wouldn't do that and of course the
right depth is very important because a lot of people are doing very low depths or they get exciting they want to do
very high depths it really is best if we just stay at the the the debt that they want and actually I've seen a lot of
many many children do hyperbarics and within three or four months two to three months lose their diagnosis of autism
afterward just to start getting better really quickly the protocols there's
option one and option two the classic is option two but option one I like a whole lot better so if you've never done
hyperbaric 20 sessions of 90 minutes at 1.75 atmospheres then every three months would do half of
that which is so much easier and we have all the same benefits of option 2 which was the original one from the photo with
dr. Rivlin back in 2005-2006 that we were doing and that is 40 sessions of 60
minutes at 1.75 atmospheres and then every 3 months we would do basically half of that until the child would
recover so there are several options for us and amino we do what we can
GC math dr. Ruggiero is going to be speaking to in a couple hours about GC
math but it's available at GC map dot EU they have a lot of science they published a lot of papers they've done a
lot of work and they're getting actually now they're getting about a 25% rate of
recovery with their protocol that protocol has actually been updated so the standard one we've been injecting
for a while a couple years now that one is about a 15% but now with the added other big pieces like the the
suppository and the oral they're getting more like a 25% so this is definitely something we want to add we always want
to add the things that are showing recovery that is so important to be putting them together and then of course with cancer they're also having a lot of
healing with cancer and reversing even in stage 4 but that's all documented in and published in the in the journals of
immunology and of course we are collecting a text the a tech is
available at autism treatment evaluation checklist it's it's at autism calm and I
like people to do these every three months because when you talk to somebody they say well he's not really talking but he's doing this and the teacher said
that it's you know it's very hard to be speaking the same language so when you say to somebody what's your child's a
technical a 70s a 79 it used to be a hundred and six or they say it was 86 we started now it's 40 you kind of get an
idea of where we're going and of course as a parent this is really encouraging to know that we're going the right direction so what this other slide was
saying is we're seeing basically almost 80% of the children losing 10 points
after 50 days and of course some of the families I was talking to a lady last night yesterday and her child in two months
lost 40 points so it just depends on on the child and some of them will lose points very very quickly and their
healing of course 0 to 10 is is where our child no longer has a diagnosis of autism and 30 and up is
autism from from a light autism or into a severe into the hundreds and you'll
see in a little bit some of our success stories and when I say success stories I believe recovery is success but I also
believe that healing and all the changes that happen even between the complete full recovery and where we are today are
definitely noteworthy so my son this is my son he was naked boy he only ate
coloring flavoring and everything that came in a package from those you know those type of companies that was pretty
much we looked like and that was an 8x score of 147 he didn't sleep he didn't listen it was a very bad time and now
you can see he's 13 he's enjoying with his family he's just cheeky cute and his
8x score is 17 so
thank you I'm really proud of him he's done a lot it was done really really well people say to me why isn't your kid
recovery of your protocols so good I would have really liked to have started my protocol with him when he started to
lose language at the age of two I would have been nice but unfortunately we had to wait until he was 10 to start our first drop so but he's doing really well
and and I'm grateful that he is a beacon of light for all of us here today and this guy also warrior mom phenomenal
love her so much he actually almost killed her he was very aggressive pandas and now he's lovely helping around the
house and all kinds of wonderful things and very exciting and a tech above three and he's 18 years old so really when we
think to ourselves yeah right [Applause]
I think that this is also something you know this this window of opportunity between 2:00 and 4:00 whatever these
numbers of window opportunity we don't have that anymore we're not limited I'll show you somebody else in a little bit
31 years old
his mom started with him in biomechanical 30 years ago she did dive
for 30 years she never gave up on him and again he was very violent that was
one of the biggest things with him towards the end and she just had a picture of him on Facebook the other day he has a suntan and then maybe a couple
months was walking his dog and it's really inspiring to see 32 years old I
mean if the there's so much hope just absolutely so much hope and again these mothers that we keep keep the fire burn
and we keep the fire burning until all the answers are there this little gal you can see she is absolutely very dear
to me she's eight years old was very uninterested in the camera and now she is a model she poses with whatever she's
got on also you can see in the face she's still in recovery she's not fully
recovered yet has a lot of mercury but I mean the difference is you know we're living with our child we're interacting
with our child this is no longer just kind of moving from place to place as
you can see also we've made big gains
I love this boys mama she's a really really close friend of mine and it's
really nice to see that we can do things for each other and she's given back every single day to the rest of all of
us rest of the autism community thank you here's another mom her son is fully
recovered from autism and she stays out there she is a beauty pageant queen she
doesn't waste one minute of telling everybody that autism is treatable and curable and how she did it with her
child she's not scared she's out there edgy beautiful as you can see it wore
off he's very very handsome has friends is getting amazing grades in school age
tens whatever we would call that here another fella he had Lyme he now has an
a tech of a one his father had Lyme they don't 16 years old and they had done
most of these older kids they've done pretty much every protocol that was out there until they found the the protocol
that we have here today and he actually called me on the phone and in Spanish thanked me for helping heal him was
really nice he speaks 33 languages another fellow whose dad and mom amazing they help out
on the Facebook groups they support and they make sure that we're all doing really really well a text for fifty
three to five and he's 17 [Applause]
another mom I can tell you his mom's I love him so much so I don't know most of their kids so
but anyway he is a child that you know almost died from seizures and you know
many flights in the airplane and many ambulance rides quickly to the hospital and now they're having an amazing life
he's very handsome I saw photos of him last night as well as this one skin color is good you know he's going back
to school in the fall very exciting I can't wait to hear about all the friends he's gonna make there you know he's
mom'll love you this guy's smarter than you are knows
everything about astrology and languages and everything but he's doing phenomenally well and his mom what can I
say I love you the this is good also this uh this little guy you can see how
sick he was we can see it because night
and day and this is two years in the protocol he had double my toe issues he has on five drugs one for seizure one
for thyroid all gone with the protocol yeah impressive very impressive
[Applause] yeah this was pandas and as you can see
he's great and his mom told me the other day that the teacher sends a text message home and basically saying that
you know he's amazing like every day so he's amazing every day and just another amazing day for him and
you can see he loves life his mama
Ty's mom is a game changer not that any of the other moms were not game changers
but this woman is trailblazing pioneering he's actually 19 isn't he
he's 19 years old now and this happened at 17 that he broke up the house the
neighborhood attacked himself it was a very serious situation and the family
really didn't know what to do in another you know one of the moms out there on the Facebook groups reached out to her and things started to change those forty
inchworm started to come out the mother started testing them because she had all the labs saying there were no parasites and you can see ty today he's doing
really really well and it's very encouraging especially you know parents of all their kids that we didn't make
that first you know the first two three four years and of course now to know the parasites were a big piece of the of the
healing puzzle obviously and we just keep going like this mother she just keeps going he's better all the time and
the parasites are coming out all the time how long does it take we don't all know but the mom is actually collecting a lot
of worms because at some point somebody's going to come forward and say
we want to test these so anybody that sees this video that is interested contact me I'll put you in touch with
we've had a change in the a tech mom is showing me he actually is now a 5a tech and he
gives more and more to his mama every day a beautiful child beautiful mother this is our latest this isn't that well
we've just had a couple we had another one coming in to come in a couple days ago but this is number 131 and he as you
can see is basically a story of hope you can see him with his sister's just looking really good and the mother says
number 131 I started this protocol in February of 2012 you can read about our
journey in Carey's book first and second editions we did it all the strict diet with it with a diary the dosing the
enemas the parasite protocol supplements for the humidifier in a very short time
my son transformed to a healthy little boy with no allergies no eczema great sleep no more GI issues his 8 X 401 went
from 64 to 13 so basically I know this protocol this protocol the hope we have
now for his full recovery and then she sends me these photos with this little equipment saying I opened my son's
bedroom door and he says hi mommy is daddy baking pancakes and i said no i made nuggets for breakfast and he said
nuggets are you making nuggets yes and he said let's go eat yummy nugget his daddy's sleeping which is just yes then
he said let's be quiet a tec-9
he's actually no longer following the protocol he's just he's on the diet and
but just really doing well again a lot of these a couple of these other children like there's a couple children
on that or not on the protocol works they're recovered they're not even in managed recovery and so what doesn't
recovery look like I'm going to click hi Shay how old are you today 10 years old
and can you tell us what it felt like to have autism and asperger syndrome
I got tummy aches a lot I got sick a lot at social difficulties and trouble at
school system cameras flashing lights water lightbulbs toilets and computers I
got mad a lot and angry easily and I stemmed mm-hmm and how do you feel
today recovered happy i stopped stemming and I'm not obsessing right so do you
feel like you've recovered yes yay we say thank you to carry Rivera thank you
carry [Music]
[Applause] so that's what autism recovery looks
like we have 133 children between the ages of 2 and 32 who have lost their
autism diagnosis and I want to point out we've killed nobody so when there's people out there you know for every
action there's a reaction in the the currents on the other side says if this is bleach and it's bad well know we get
the sick kids and they recover and it's pretty phenomenal so then again you know you as you've seen some of the children
that are not fully recovered yet but they have made so many strides towards it that if we keep going we'll probably arrive at the same place just we don't
know when our journey will end but that is irrelevant and then of course once we know the truth it will set us free and I
have a real surprise for you today which I had the opportunity to meet her yesterday she's number 112 her name is
Rachel and her mother I am so grateful that she will let us put a face with recovery Rachel will you come up
sweetheart and tell these people [Applause]
like and we can't watch you without crying so we're all crying together just
tell them anything you want to tell them that might motivate them to heal their child like your mom did for you and all
the wonderful things anything you want to say and in summer 2013 my mom told me
I had a 70 point drop in 24 days and the
last time we checked my eight seven down
the CD in my burger she might have been amazing absolutely wonderful if you're
afraid of it it's really something that you should try it
whispering I have a normal life as
friends at school and doing well and getting great grades and I came out with
my friends and have fun together and they notice it I'm not like lying work each girl's wish
he's not like us only they ask me [Music]
we must grant gluten and casein 3ma so benign and so every each other while
they have her cheeks
and I also feel a little bit more mature than they are sometimes
Hey they just don't and I don't want to
and it's really such I coming here to
scene I was seven and I've always loved committing here and there any people and
learning about this I really want to
keep this secret from my friends because I wanted to tell them an explanation for
everything that's going on
so many Oh
although you know everybody out of their lunch to recover their child and CD is
something you should try I think what they're at cheaper too and there's hope for everybody all of you can do this
it's not about the 8x or how high it is it's about the determination and the
will of a parent if you will need to do it and you can
very proud of this cow very proud of her mom it was such a nice opportunity to be
able to share in the healing journey of the family and of course to meet her yesterday was amazing and credible and
of course to hear her sing three ladies
and you keep the song last night the Whizzer that was the Sun will come out
tomorrow you want to say why you picked the Sun will come out tomorrow because hope for everybody
thank you for sharing your message of hope with them I really appreciate that and they all really appreciate that too

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