Russell Brand nails the WHO-WEF cabal on digital IDs trust frameworks and international vaxpasses

2 years ago

Credit Instagram's @malumababe21.0 and TikTok's @freethinker1988 for this video of classic Russell Brand @russellbrand, a British comedian and gadfly. Here he returns to his stand-up talents and vocalizes a few distinct characters each with another tone.

Brand sends up the World Health Organization (WHO) "trust framework". Apparently these health bureaucrats want to tell you where you can't go and when you can't travel there. The trust framework is another facet of the digital ID that is coming soon to your neighbourhood whether or not you like it.

This apparently dovetails with the international vaxpass in some nefarious and unexplained way. Rest easy, though! You see, Jeffrey Epstein lives through the private Bill Gates Foundation, and their foundation is the second-largest contributor to the bottom line of these unelected power-trippers, so all will end well, just you wait and see.

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