Jesus Speaks on the Power of Intercession

2 years ago

Hello, Brothers and Sisters and Heartdwellers Family,

We had our Saturday community night and we watched Ken Parks, a prophet speaking on the Prophecy club as he gave a powerful and captivating description of a vivid tribulation dream he had. I was so moved and began to feel such a burden for the Church just as he did, that we were not ready. Then that night I had a dream where I was living in a low-income apartment and was surrounded by a homeless community. There was a guy who was going around giving some of the ladies in the community flowers. He met with a young man in the middle of the median in the street who was also part of the homeless community they exchanged a few words, and some liquid was spilled on his shirt.

The other young man hurriedly walked off snickering at what he had done. He looked like he had a disability, someone you would consider as being slow. The Lord made me to see in his heart and I was shown how poorly he had been treated his whole life, my heart ached for him. The young man who had the liquid spilled on his shirt followed the other young man to the sidewalk as a crowd began to gather egging the young man on to hurt this guy—to do him in—to kill him. I looked out my window as they were about to fight right outside. I began to pray intently— binding and losing, then I woke up.

I was a bit disturbed by the dream as the Holy Spirit prompted me, “Pray against a spirit of murder”, so I began to pray. Then simultaneously I got a text on my phone that one of our members can no longer do Mother of Mercy Chaplet live because they blocked Facebook in all of Russia. My heart sank as the realities of the state of our world hit my heart. I was so grieved about everything—the dream, the killing, what was going on in the conflict. I couldn’t shake this heaviness and sadness off as I realized it was the Heart of the Father. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to make this a day of prayer although it was Sunday, and we’re supposed to meet as a community for service. Immediately I went into travailing prayer crying and petitioning the Lord before we had to meet.

Mother Elizabeth began to feel a burden as well, then said to me, I think the Lord wants to make today, a day of intercession. It was snowing heavily outside as well, and I told her I completely agreed because that is what I was feeling as I shared my dream with her.

Mother Clare agreed to have us all stay in our hermitages and go into intercession the whole day rather than gathering together.

The Lord blessed my obedience as he showed me many things. We are to pray not only over the Russia and Ukraine situation but to pray for Brazil. We also need to keep the soldiers in this conflict in prayer. I saw many young men who were just so scared to die both from Russia and Ukraine. They were just fighting because they got drafted or wanted to show patriotism for their nation, but they were so afraid and missed their families. I began to plead for mercy. Then when I did my Lord’s Supper my first reading was “The Plea of Moses”

Reading from the book of Exodus,

…‘This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!’ “I see how stiff-necked these people are, said, the Lord to Moses, Let me alone, then, that my wrath may blaze against them to consume them. Then I will make of you a great nation”

But Moses implored the Lord, his God, saying, “Why, O Lord, would your wrath blaze up against your own people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with such great power and with so strong a hand?.... Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel and how you swore to them by your own self saying, ‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and all this land that I promise will give your descendants as their perpetual heritage?’ So the Lord relented in the punishment he had threatened to inflict on his people.” - Exodus 32:9-14

I was so hopeful and elated the Lord had heard my cry for Mercy!

Jesus began,

“My mercy is endless for all those who would come and entrust themselves to My Divine Love and for all those you bring and hide in the wound on My side. Thank you, My beloved little one, for carrying the burdens of My heart today. So many are suffering, so many in so many, various ways.

“There is nothing My mercy cannot handle. Thank you for laying down your plans today and staying with Me and all of Heaven in prayer. Much was done, much was accomplished because of your resignation to intercede on behalf of others. It pleases Me very much if you all continue to do this once a month. The world is in desperate need of intercession and with every tear, every sigh of the heart, and every prayer called forth to these intentions does much to bring My will and My kingdom upon this earth.

“The Father’s heart is just breaking for what must be done, [and here I could feel tears welling up in Jesus’s eyes] but truly your prayers, My brides, forestall, delay and write history. Continue to pray don’t give up and don’t give in to the lies of the enemy that your prayers don’t do anything at all because it moves mountains, saves lives, and protects nations from the judgment of the Father. When He hears His little ones repenting and crying out on behalf of another His heart is moved to compassion and pity—because you resemble Him most when you are interceding. He lives to intercede day and night for the creatures He loves so much. Do you know the Father’s prayer?

“He prays that just one, just one of His creatures would respond to carry His heart and utter the prayers of mercy. You see, He is a just Father and in of Himself, His judgment and His justice is very necessary to purge the earth and purify souls—that they do not end in eternal fires separated from Him forever. But since the beginning of time, He has made it so that He works through His creation. He can do all things Himself, but he desires to cooperate with us to bring about His will on the earth. He desires mercy rather than judgment. Time and time again and when he sees one soul moved to pity carrying His heart and crying out for mercy He relents, and the magnitude of His justice is mitigated or diminished severely.

“For He is aware of man’s weakness and frailty and is a loving Father who wishes none would perish (2 Peter 3:9). That is the longing of His heart—that all His children would intercede. All His children would cry out to Him on behalf of another, so you become co-redeemers—even pulling the worst of sinners from the fires of hell and precipice of satan’s grasp. He searches the earth, to-and-fro, to see whom will it be? Who will give themselves entirely to Him? Who will have His heart for souls, for the nations, for the earth, and all creation that He can use to bring about His mercy? You and all the little ones responded today and how pleased He is with the community. Intercession is the Heart of the Father and that is why He created Me, to be an instrument of mediation before His throne raising up many little ones to imitate Me standing in the gap continually that the Father’s mercy is satisfied.

As an aside, during my time of intercession, I was so burdened for the shepherds of the Church. I realized all of this comes down to the Church. If the church doesn’t pray nothing happens or changes. But oh if the church would gather together to really pray—not just the prayer teams or a few intercessors in the church. Imagine if entire churches would be given a burden, a grace of prayer like never before. I began to pray for all the popular preachers—the church didn’t matter, what denomination—that they would be seized with conviction and get their churches praying. Everyone shows up to worship night but so few show up for prayer meetings, and I saw all of that changing as even stadiums were filled with people all over our nation just to pray, to intercede. And churches were gathering to pray, to bombard Heaven until something happened.

Jesus continued,

“Continue to pray for the Church and continue to pray for the world. The desires of your heart will be brought to fruition little one, as many congregations will begin to gather all over the world in great numbers to intercede. The greatest outpouring of My spirit is coming—with it will come the grace of supplication, petitions, and a fire for prayer like never before. The Church will begin to move from preaching to doing this one thing—on their face before Me praying, travailing, and interceding for the Father’s will to be done and His kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.”

That was the end of Jesus’ message.

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