Alexander Downer and Australia's DeepState

2 years ago

Alexander Downer gave $25 million of Australian taxpayer money to the Clinton Foundation to “fight AIDS/HIV in Asia.”

Where did the money go❓

‘The Australian taxpayer shovelled at least $88 M into the Clinton Foundation and associated entities from 2006 to 2014, reaching a peak of $10.3 M in 2012-13, Gillard’s last year in office.

On the Clinton Foundation website, AusAID and the Commonwealth of Australia score separate entries in the $10 M plus donors..

In 2009-10 Kevin Rudd handed over another $10 M to the foundation for climate research, part of $300 M he squandered on a Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.
Gillard also donated $300 M of our money to the Clinton-affiliated Global Partnership for Education.
She became chairman in 2014 and has been ­actively promoting Clinton as president ever since

The Abbott government topped up their coffers with another $140M in 2014, bringing total Aus donations to $460 Million

Time to leave their slave system and start anew🌱

BohemianStyle Note:
The Australian Government gave the Clinton Foundation over $300 million total over the years...

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