Unyahe Unique Financial Services - (469) 669-3084

2 years ago

Business Address: Dallas, TX, 75238

We leverage the fair credit reporting act which was passed by congress to prevent credit bureaus from intruding into people’s personal lives. Based on that we are able to dispute any negative, duplicate, or erroneous items on a credit report. Bankruptcies, tax liens, repossessions, foreclosures, student loans, medical bills, collection, charge-offs it really doesn’t matter what the negative item is, it can be disputes to be removed.

We serve Dallas, TX, Highland Park Town TX; Seagoville TX; Addison Town TX; Fate TX; Fairview Town TX; and the surrounding areas.

Credit Counseling, Business Credit Counseling, Credit Repair Specialist, Professional Credit Repair, Financial Advisor Debt Counseling
Professional Credit Counseling, Reliable Credit Counseling, Affordable Credit Counseling, Quality Credit Counseling, Trusted Credit Counseling

For more information visit our website: https://unyaheuniquefinancial.com/

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