“War, Globalism, Oil, Gas, Food, and Revelation”

2 years ago

Do you see now how government control can lead to the government making you do what they want?
Because if you protest you will be hunted down like a criminal.
Your bank account can be frozen…your internet suspended, and you could be arrested at any time.
We are still some time away from a mark of the beast…but do you see how the foundation for the mark is being laid?
In the classic book “All Quiet on the Western Front,” There is an excerpt where a German soldier explains how the Germans broke them to get them to follow orders.
“At first astonished, then embittered, and finally indifferent, we recognized that what matters is not mind but the boot brush, not intelligence but the system, not freedom but drill.”
They got them to the point where they acted on orders without thinking about the consequences.
And for a soldier in the field, that is what helps keep them alive in battle.
For us, over these last two years you could say the governments around the world have tried to condition us to act without considering the long-term health consequences.
You could say they were able to get the world to recognize what matters is not the mind but the science, not intelligence but compliance, not freedom but mandates.

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