2022 Episode 1: COVID Truth: Overcoming Censorship and Media Misinformation

2 years ago

Episode 1: COVID Truth: Overcoming Censorship and Media Misinformation

-Breaking news from a recent Senate hearing that left numerous freedom fighters “emotionally spent” (you can’t miss these powerful interviews directly from the Senate hearing)
-New Data: Shocking vaccine injury reports (many reports discuss those that are permanently disabled or worse)
-The startling reasons that our experts believe Big Pharma continues to suppress life-saving information from the public while they continue to push their vaccine agenda (no matter how many deaths pile up)
-Numerous studies prove that Omicron is not as scary as the mainstream media fearmongers would have you believe (see them for yourself in this episode)
-Plus all of the other suppressed and censored information you’ll never hear from the mainstream media

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