#23: Meet The Maxwells: Spies, Suicide, Abuse, Royals w/ Addy Adds, William Ramsey, & Andreas Xirtus

2 years ago

EPISODE 23: Meet The Maxwells: Spies, False Suicides, Sexual Abuse, & Royal Subjects with Addy Adds, William Ramsey, & Andreas Xirtus

Merry Christmas all! That’s right, Christmas is early this year with this very special episode of Divulgence with Jordan Vezeau (that is me!). I am so happy to welcome favourites of the show, including William Ramsey, Andreas Xirtus, and, as demanded and promised, Addy Adds! This episode has a lot of rewatch value, as we present a lot of great resources, as well as some rarely seen/heard content – not to mention it was a meeting of the minds that I hope will pave way for more great things! We establish updates on the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, Zoro Ranch, and some of the lawsuits involved in the grand scheme of things, as well as get deep the rest of her family, especially her father Robert Maxwell, which makes up a spy ring on its own! There are so many sketchy names associated with this family, it is hard to count, but we go over some of them, such as Epstein, Jean Luc Brunel, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Donald Trump. If you regularly listen to content like this then you will not be surprised at the list ‘usual suspects’, as well as the common themes of child abuse, corruption, suicide and death, occult and devil worship, and stuff that is just plain weird. We also go over Epstein and Maxwell’s interest and connections in technology, including clone technology! This was a great talk with legendary mavericks that I hope will help open your eyes to how connected evil can be!

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NEW BOOK (US): https://www.amazon.com/How-Cover-Ghislaine-Maxwell-Trial/dp/B09T39RKXQ/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1647381960&refinements=p_27%3AAddy+Adds&s=books&sr=1-2&text=Addy+Adds

NEW BOOK (CAN): https://www.amazon.ca/How-Cover-Ghislaine-Maxwell-Trial-ebook/dp/B09SDKV4BN/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1ID7G4J1MRRUS&keywords=addy+adds&qid=1647389635&sprefix=addy+adds%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-5









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