Super cute penguin chick tries to make friends | Snow Chick: A Penguin's Tale - BBC

2 years ago

Narrated by Kate Winslet, Snow Chick - A Penguin's Tale tells the story of an emperor penguin chick's first precarious months of life as it grows up in the world's most extreme nursery.

Emperor penguins are the only animals to breed in the Antarctic winter, and after months of blizzards and temperatures of -60C, male emperor penguins are watching and waiting for their chicks to hatch. Snow Chick is the last to emerge into this harsh, frozen world.

As he takes his first steps, he tries to fit in with the baby penguin gang, but when you are so small, it is hard to be accepted by the bigger chicks. Soon, he ventures too far from his mother for comfort and gets lost in a storm. Later, he is chased by chick-snatching penguins and escapes a scavenging petrel by the fluff of his back - all the while slipping and skating on treacherous ice.

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