$1,227.64 TIP!! at Local Grand Rapids, MI Restaurant

2 years ago

GenerosityLunch.com March 16, 2022 - Grand Rapids, MI

Generosity Lunch happened again in Grand Rapids and 13 people from West Michigan met for lunch and to demonstrate generosity in our community.

We met at Bud & Stanley's restaurant at 1701 - 4 Mile Rd, NW in Grand Rapids, MI. The food was great, the fellowship fun, and most of all the service was amazing! Connor, who we learned is studying for his Masters in Engineering and saving up for his first home, was our server.

Each person brought $100 cash, we pooled our money, paid for lunch and left the rest of the money as a tip for Connor and the wait staff. A total of $1,400 was given, lunch was $172.36 and $1,227.64 was left as a tip. Thank you to all who attended and gave generously!

The goal of Generosity Lunch is to hold 100 lunches over the course of 2022 in various cities across the United States. At each lunch we hope to be able to leave a tip of $1,000 or more for the wait staff. The location is not announced publicly and the servers are not told what is happening at lunch. The goal is to bless their lives with generosity and to encourage others to give generously as well.

If you are interested in attending a Generosity Lunch in Grand Rapids or hosting a Generosity Lunch in your city please visit GenerosityLunch.com for details and let us know so we can help you be generous in 2022


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