The MOM Chaplet and Testimony pt 2/2

2 years ago

Jesus continued:
He is changing dear one . Slowly but he is changing. So much has been done and will continue to be done with his soul as you trust in me . Continue to give him to my mother and to pray for him and you will see amazing results as the time passes on . He is right Rainbow, the rapture is coming but it is not yet . Trust me with the outcome of this my dear and know that if more time is granted it will be for the best. If not then we are all going home. I want you not to be shaken by the time and when it is and when it is not . So much is happening right now. Too much to explain but when you keep your eyes only on me and keep preparing yourself you will not be shaken. Now as for your husband this breakthrough was long in coming my dear and when I said it would not be long now This is what I was talking about. You will begin to see greater things in the long run but keep praying my dear because Satan is fighting for his soul and you my dear with my mother's help should fight back. He is the Father of this ministry Rainbow and I have placed my anointing on him to run this ministry the way I intend it to be . Do not worry about how it will come to pass or when it will or how he will ever change. Know that he will change and become the man I want him to be . I will not let my words fall to the ground. Trust and hope in this promise I am giving you and hope for it.
That was the end of his message.

What a beautiful message from Him to my husband. That part of the message gave him tremendous strength to carry on in faith and now I see him transitioning into his calling little by little and it was all by her intercession and God's great mercy .
Will you pray for him dear family to continue in this path that Jesus has called him to , that his faith will grow stronger and that he will become the man Jesus wants him to become. We truly would appreciate your prayers for us as you pray for the ministry because we really need it . I pray that this would be a testimony to all those married to ask blessed mother's intercession for their spouse because tremendous graces are released when she prays for you .

Well I wanted to share with you my Journey to having blessed mother as my mother from the perspective of an imperfect soul who grew up in and out of diffrent churches to protestant then transitioned into latter day saint to lover of Christ .

I grew up only knowing Mary as the mother of Jesus . The womb that brought him forth so to speak. I have no catholic roots what so ever and knew nothing about the saints, Guardian angels or even her intercession. I grew up hearing people denouncing her and I was told praying to her was bad and it should be left at that. I was very sheeple minded ( sheeple minded means someone who is very compliant and easily influenced, someone who tend to not think for themselves but choose to follow what everyone else says so they won't have to do the thinking) I went along with what everyone said and denounced her too. I was obstinate about the topic of her and was quick to tell people it was wrong without having solid evidence or any factual information about her.

I only had what I was told by others . I had there opinions as my back up . All I knew is she was the mother of Jesus but I was defensive about her all together but not in a good way. That obstinate spirit grew deep in me because even when presented with facts that made much sense I was still struggling to accept it . There use to be this frustration in me that to be honest with you I had no idea where it came from. I believe it was that obstinate spirit in me fighting me tooth and nail to just let the teaching go. I would hear derogatory things in my mind all the time like there was something inside of me getting angry at me for considering that teaching on her intercession and her role of a mother to us may be true. It wanted so bad for me to forget about it and to continue to think as I thought before. What made me back off was the fact that I "FELT " like they were equating her to God when she is God's creation and it felt like they were worshipping her and that she had as great power as God like Jesus does and this frustrated me. Of course this was how I felt but it may not have been the case at all . Yes idolatry is wrong and some do idolize her but some just genuinely love her and have a good motherly son/daughter relationship with her. I believe many of us back off and get defensive about things we are not sure about and do not understand and its what I did.

When I heard how perfect they made her sound and how perfect they made her to be equating her close to Jesus again saying she was without sin. It was even harder for me to believe that . In fact when I listened to the life of Mary series I struggled even harder to believe she was like that or even real for that matter not because I didn't believe she could be so perfect but because I had a degree of Jealousy in me at her because of her perfection. I desired deeply to be that perfect but was not in anyway. I sat down and analyzed this concept however , every person that I have listened to that has seen the father or Jesus say that in that instant something changes in you and if God is without sin he would need to create a vessel that would be without sin so he could inhabit it . Not only that but if these great preachers like Jesse Duplantis who could see the father and come out changed in just a moment. Then imagine how changed and connected m
Mary must have been having God live inside of her as she raised him and nursed him. I believe st Joseph too had changed as well to become more holy because they lived with God. She was also the first one to recieve the holy spirit via the overshadowing and a touch like that does not just leave you. Its an imprint that is hard to take off especially when its Godly .

Anyway knowing all of this I was still struggling with the 'buts' and 'what if I go to hell for this ? What if I get to the end and figure out this is not real ? What then ? . I was like a boat in a storm when it came to her not knowing at all what to believe. But there was this small feeling in me that was pulling me to show me the truth , it wasn't pulling me to scripture or what this or that person said but as though Jesus was drawing me into his heart saying " Come let me show you the truth , Let me show you my mother " the feeling is so subtle you gotta really pay attention to find it. I was struggling to trust and believe in her but I trusted and believed in Jesus and so I ran to him. I asked him to show me his mother and he did . I saw her in the spirit I spoke with her, when I gained confidence in faith I asked her to show me herself and little by little she did. I first had to rebuke that obstinate spirit and take a huge leap of faith . Dive for that great pearl of price so to speak. I then slowly learned how to ask her intercession and how to pray the rosary meditating on Jesus through every prayer said and little by little as I started to trust her which was hard she showed me that she will come through for me and that she cared . She cried with me, rejoiced with me and was there to be a mother to me when I needed her most . She is my mother and my friend and all this took time. It is still taking time. She has no desire to be God or be equal to him . She has no desire for praise. She just wants to be a mother to us all , for us to come to know her love and for us to go back to her son . I don't pray to her but I do ask her intercession, I don't worship her but I do greatly respect and honor her . She and I we pray together as I pray the rosary and the MOM chaplet. We cry together for the world as we pray and just like holy spirit she is my friend. Its the same thing with the saints and my Guardian angel. They all help me through this life and I am grateful for them . It was obvious that whatever was frustrated by me learning about her was the enemy because I am sure if I were to go in depth about learning about aliens that feeling would not have even been a thing but more so it would have welcomed me to continue on to learn about the aliens .

I can't tell you what to believe . I am not going to nor am I interested in debating scripture with anyone because it breaks the body of christ apart and causes much conflict where there should be love . We don't do conflict here we do love! The only way for you to come to know her is if Jesus shows you and you take that leap of faith and believe. Until then know that God loves you and mom Mary loves you . That relationships take time to build . This however is what I believe because I cannot deny the many things that has happened in my life and I have met these people and they are just so beautiful its hard to deny that they do not want the best for you .
Thank you blessed mother for your intercession and for being the true mother of Heartdwellers Caribbean.

Well also on our MOM page on our website there are testimonies there of there experiences with blessed mother that you can read . If you yourself have a testimony and you want to put it there please feel free to email us at our business email which is always in the description box and we will be happy to put up your testimony for others to read . Please do keep in mind we are severely short staffed right now and is backed up on so many things so this may take a while.

We thank you dear Family for your support and prayers . Please can you pray for us that we will recieve the right volunteers to help us with the ministry online ( as we are in need of it) and for those who will come to help us physically with the outreach in the future.

Just wanted to let you know that much is being done to help others spiritually and physically down here via our outreach. When doing stuff like this we usually don't remember to take pictures to put up but we still wanted to let you know much is being done as Jesus provides .
Will you please pray for us for favor with the bank to receive a credit card to recieve your donations

We love you dearly island family
God bless you all until the next message.
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