Incredible footage of the mysterious shark that science forgot

2 years ago

The Galapagos bullhead shark is a small bottom-dwelling shark that inhabits the Galapagos Islands waters. It was discovered 175 years ago, but almost nothing has been learned about the shark since its initial discovery. Researchers have not completed any meaningful studies on this fish. They do not know how many there are, where they breed, how they interact, or which habitats they prefer. So little is known about these sharks that they are listed as "data deficient."

It is believed that the sharks have been in existence since the early Jurassic period. They grow to 107cm (3.5ft). Recently, a project was undertaken in the Galapagos Islands to learn more about this mysterious animal. In Spanish, it is called " Thiburon Gato de Galapagos" which translates to Cat Shark of the Galapagos. They prefer to lie on the sandy bottom, being poor swimmers in comparison with other sharks. IT has recently been learned that they are nocturnal feeders, foraging for crabs and shellfish on the sea bottom. After eating prey with hard shells, this small shark regurgitates the undigestible shells. The more we learn about the ocean and the marine animals who live there, the more we understand that there is more needing to be learned than we ever imagined.

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