(三)Dylan’s Review 5A 20220130 on Liao Fan

2 years ago

《How do we preserve all these achievements_》
三2549 So going back to here is that helping yourself, you will always need to help others to help yourself but to help others you will need to get yourself sorted first, what you want, where you are going, what is the current state of your life, or in terms of personally, your habits, have you cultivated that habit that makes you available to accept missions, bigger missions or bigger responsibilities that will affect more people.

If you haven't cultivated the good habits or a good foundation for that, which is as a person of virtues, and also a world view that is broad and inclusive and at the same time rational and understanding, not too extreme, then we can't lead the world in the direction that we want to.

2638 So it all relies on Dharma and respect among every single layer of relationships, up and down, down and up and down, down, up, left and right as well, like siblings, friends, colleagues, those things are there, doesn't matter what kind of ideology you have, anarchism or anything.

That's all day, it will always be there, there will always be someone who needs to lead the rest unless everyone is Bodhisattvas and Buddha. In the Pure Land, everyone is a student. You still have one Buddha leading, but everyone's like equal, they have true democracy. They don't need to democratize anything, because they are wise people. They don't do stupid stuff, like vandalism or creating segregation or racism.

Everyone looks like Amitabha. That is the world where you can talk about equality. But right now, in this reality, in this mud, we need to have orders and to have orders, we need to have law. But beyond just law, we need to have a proper human relationship to carry out, because 法外有情 beyond the law, there's humanity in there, love and parents and all of the bonds that we need to take care of right now, before next generation comes up and takes over the reigns because it will be miserable for them if we didn't put a good foundation for them. We need to work on this.

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