Nano Circuits Found in mRNA Shots

2 years ago

This video report focuses on the nontechnology that looks like printed circuitry which was found in Pfizer COVID-19 "vaccine" vials using electron microscopy, and how these nano-circuits self-assemble and then evolve whenever they are exposed to different types of radiation, such as electromagnetic and UV radiation.
You should see these structures. Unfortunately, the scientists could not expose the specimens to 5G as they wished, because it was not available in their area. I'm sure that will be done soon. However, this report is just one of many scientific reports to date, revealing the different unidentified objects that have found in vaccination vials from Moderna and Pfizer mRNA "vaccine" vials. The structures a made of Graphene nano particles. Why Graphene? Graphene is necessary in telecommunications technology in order to increase the hertz band to terahertz levels required for 5G communications.
So, if these Pfizer jabs contain the technology that was patented by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2020 (see World Patent WO2020060606), then it may well be the Trogan Horse technology that our overlords seem hellbent on getting into our bodies under the guise of keeping us "safe" from a mild-moderate flu-like illness (an illness with only a .14%-.15% IFR, similar to the Seasonal Flu). You know--the "end-of-the-world killer apocalypse" mystery virus that they overturned civilization in order to protect us from.
Yep. If they ever wanted to [quietly] implement Gate's cryptocurrency system in everyone's body, a system which would not only act as our cryptocurrency wallet, biometric ID, Social Credit Score meter, and also keep track our location and psych-physiological state, it would, first of all, need to be injected into our bodies, and secondly, it would require 5G technology in order to work (just like the "Internet of Things" does).
However, the nano-size transceivers could also be used to harm or punish us physically anytime someone with control over the 5G transmitter wanted to. After all, 5G technology was first used as a directed energy weapon by the U.S. Military during the Iraq War, and it was used quite successfully against enemy combatants.
Bill Gates' Patent...

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