Where are Oil Prices Going? | Oil market heads for ‘biggest supply crisis in decades!

2 years ago

Without a Major increase in Oil Development we are heading for a supply crisis. If we lose 3 million BOPD from Putin and don't start drilling like the days of early 2000 we are in for a OIL SUPPLY SHORTAGE!

Think about it. USA was producing 13 Million a day with a demand of 99.7 million. What do you think is going to happen with the same demand producing 2 million less? Now add Russian oil sanctions, oil under investment and world oil fields on the decline.
It's a recipe for a disaster.

Biden promised he would reduce oil development and focus on Green Tech. I admire the save the world attitude but why hasn't the demand for oil dropped?

Green tech can't replace oil no matter how immoral you say it is. Without Oil the world stops! Plastic is one of many biproducts for oil and plastic demand has skyrocketed thanks to Amazon!

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