Dark Outpost 03-16-2022 Cover-Up! Judge Permanently Seals Bob Saget Death Files

2 years ago

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A judge has ruled that the records from the death of actor and comedian Bob Saget that came from the scene of his death in a Florida hotel room are to remain sealed forever. This is major cover-up of what evidence has been building to prove that his death most likely was a murder. Was this a revenge killing or a contract hit? Dr. James Fetzer presents blockbuster new information that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sandy Hook was a false flag. Dr. Lana Kontos has Wellness Wednesday. Pastor Bill MacGregor says there will be no World War/Nuclear War with Russia, but rather an international and intranational civil war over globalism and COVID. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

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