mRNA/5G: A Binary Weapon System

2 years ago

This is a must watch video of Dr. Lee Merrit's testimony before the German Corona Committee. Dr. Merritt, M.D. is a spinal surgeon who served ten years in the U.S. Navy. Since this COVID-19 PSYOP was launched, she recognized the lies that the public is being fed by the mainstream propaganda media, and chose to join millions of other doctors around the world who are pushing back against this Mother of All Crimes that we are witnessing. She points out a lot of facts that most people are kept unaware of, including, but not limited to the fact that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus that we are told is a grave viral pandemic, and that we must overturn civilization itself, and lock everyone down, and wear masks forever to protect ourselves from, is a GIANT LIE. Among the many discrepancies in that "narrative" that we are being sold, is the fact that the alleged virus has never been properly isolated, and thereby proven to exist.
In fact, from her early analysis of models that were available for only a brief time during February of 2020, this may actually be a race-specific bio weapon that's being used in the way that was described in Project for New American Century documents, which were produced by the Neo-cons like Paul Wolfowitz, et. al. during the Bush administration.
She points out how some races have marked genetic differences in the up regulation of the ACE2 pathways, which the SARS-CoV-2 specifically targets (unlike any other Coronavirus ever studied). She also points out that the virus and the mRNA vaccine may be used together, along with 5G Wireless Communications Radiation, as a binary weapon system that could be used for multiple and various purposes. None of which are good for humanity.
If abused, the mRNA vaccine itself can not only be used to interact with 5G technology, it could be used to target individuals or large groups of people via interactions between 5G and the nano-size transceivers which have been found to exist in the mRNA shots. Not only that, the mRNA can be used as a type of immunogenic contraceptive, because the tech has already been successfully used for such purposes in mice studies. It's also interesting that the symptoms of Wireless Communications Radiation caused by 5G, which was rolled-out in Wuhan, China and New York City at the same time of the alleged "outbreak," cause identical symptoms to the illness called COVID-19.

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