Not one of the Cool Kids: Getting victory over rejection

2 years ago

There is a way out of rejection, but first it must be identified.
Rejected people seek approval for everything they do and cannot handle even mild constructive criticism. They see any form of correction as rejection. Without help, they may follow the path that is comfortable for them and do not want to take a risk that may fail. That is particularly difficult for other family members.
People who are in relationship with rejected people often end up frustrated because the rejected person is difficult to live with. The rejected person may expect their spouse, children or those close to them to agree with them all the time. There often is no healthy discussion or difference of opinion expressed because the rejected person sees dissent as rejection of their entire person, rather than their idea. It’s healthy to be able to be free to disagree.
In order to feel good about themselves, rejected people may try to control others around them in a dysfunctional way to gain acceptance.

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