Whisltblower Pie Episode #6 03/15/2022

2 years ago


Tonight's guests include members of California 18, Jed Davis, Susan Augustitus, Producer William Wagener, Marina Read of Santa Barbara, National Whistleblower Committee Member-Daryl Nolch, Karen Rozier, Renee Wyler, Authors of the Petition of Remonstrance Lorie Cole and Val Naif, Jane Doe Whistleblower from Quality Loan Servicing.

In 2014 The Homeowners For Justice in California, CJ contacted the then AG Kamala Harris's office and was promised an investigation by Harris's Real Estate Fraud Team. After a year of waiting for information it was found that an investigation was never done. In fact then US AG Harris put out an announcement that the FBI and the AG's Real Estate Fraud Teams never did ANY investigations.

The California 18 fought to save the land records from fraud and CJ held daily shows of education and information for those fighting for their properties, she uncovered the fraud and was shocked to uncover the "cover up" of the crimes. They went live at that time and when Candace spoke up and said on live on the air "Kamala, you sold us out!", it sent shock waves across America. The work for the California 18 continues, many lost their homes, some were abused and attacked by the attorneys and servicers/bankers as they were stripped of their equity and properties, yet they continue fight to reverse the damages being caused by these industry idiots.

In this episode we are exposing how BAR attorneys are KNOWING forging documents, and how Judges like David Otellio and Judge David O "Sledgehammer Carter" not only are ordering the destruction of evidence of crimes presented but are using the courts to launder money through the use of illegal foreclosures and ripping children out of parents custody through misuse of power.

In this episode we have whistleblowers who have done MERS audits not only these Judges, but on players such as Harris and Schiff. There is a reason why these big dogs were just sanctioned by #RUSSIA.

This #TRUTH is damning!

Yes this is real, and yes we are bringing down "The HAMMER"!

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