‘The New Normal’ Documentary (Cencored on YouTube) [14.03.2022]

2 years ago

Note: The Satanic Facist 'One World Order' = WEF 'The Great Reset' = WEF/UN 'Agenda 2030' = WEF 'The Young Global Leaders' = WEF 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' = 'The New Normal' = 'Build Back Better' * 'One World Currency' = 'The One World Religion' = 'Trust The Science'... Any Questions?
Problem-Reaction-Solution: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=problem+reaction+solution&t=h_&ia=web

It’s January 2021, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse.

Will the new vaccine enable our lives to return back to normal or does it mark a pivotal point in the evolution of humanity (one that is driven by artificial intelligence, will reimagine capitalism and be governed by extreme tyrannical laws that are dictated by global elites)?

The New Normal, a factual, 50-minute documentary, investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what the 1% has to gain and the rest of us are about to lose.
TERRAIN - The Film (Part 1 & 2 'Passing the Torch') [12.02.2022]
- Does 'Viruses' exists? (No)
- Does all people have an 'immune system'? (no)
- What is a 'Virus' and a 'Dis'-ease?
- Do you have an 'Dis'-ease?
- What is 'Cancer' and how do I cure it?
- Du you take Pharmakeia 'Medicine'?
- Do you trust the 'Science' alá Big Pharma?
- Who has the 'liability' for all 'medicine' to the people?

Timeline + Content:
00:00:00 Commercials/Advertisement
00:32:00 Terrain - The Film 'Part 1'
01:32:00 So Who is Dr. Stefan Lanka PH.D? + Commercials
01:40:00 Introduction + Roundtable Discussion with Cast Members + Commercials
02:47:00 Introduction to Part 2 by David Icke
03:02:00 Terrain - The Film Part 2: 'Passing the Torch' + Commercials
04:15:00 Live Q & A with Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D

The End of Germ Theory...
A Film Produces by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D. - The Most Important Question You Never Thought To Ask...
TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory.

This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm. TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent.

Premiered on 12.2.2022 on https://terrainthefilm.com/world-premiere/

‘The New Normal’ documentary (banned on YouTube) [Trailer]
27 viewsMar 14, 2022

Published March 14, 2022

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