Why Etsy Shut Our Shop Down

2 years ago

Why Etsy Shut Our Shop Down after 17 years! This is the short version. If you guys want me to do a full video #storytime I will do it. Subscribe @Wendy Jo Davis

Etsy has definitely been doing some crazy stuff to small business owners lately and it is nearly impossible to reach anyone that will actually help you. From holding funds over the holiday rush because a shop got too many sales to randomly shutting shops down for no reason....they are doing it.

In hindsight, we could have fought this but it was honestly the best thing that could have happened for us. We are thriving with all of our businesses off of Etsy and now we don't have to pay the fees that we did before. Plus, it inspired me to educate others on how to start a business from home, things that you need to set up a small, precautions you can take if you are setting up an etsy shop (like where to search for trademarked words) and how to set up a separate website and buy a domain for super cheap so that you are prepared should etsy shut you down!

Let me know if you want more info and make sure to subscirbe!

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