Tell Grassley and Ernst to Oppose Ketanji Jackson for Supreme Court!

2 years ago

Ketanji Jackson is a radical leftist who has spent her entire adult life fighting for leftwing causes as a political activist and a federal judge! That’s why Joe Biden has nominated her to sit on the United State Supreme Court, so that Jackson can take a sledgehammer to our gun rights for the rest of her life!

Jackson refuses to acknowledge that we have an individual right to keep and bear arms, and that’s why every gun control organization in the country has already endorsed her nomination!

Chuck Grassley is the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. If he publicly condemns Jackson’s nomination, it will help other Republicans do the same thing. But if he buckles under the pressure, it will only make it easier for Biden to put Jackson on the court!

Send this pre-written email to Senators Grassley and Ernst, and tell them to oppose Jackson’s nomination:

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