FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 28 = Chapter 9, Part D, Virology: A New Janissary Corps

2 years ago

Pages 278-322

You can find ALL of these chapter summaries backed up on Rumble and fatesabitch.com!

There exists a power structure amongst our government and bureaucratic agencies that ensures a chain of command, and in the case of NIH, a chain of compliance.

BOOK, Page 297, “NIH alone controls an annual $42 billion budget mainly distributed in over 50,000 grants supporting over 300,000 positions globally in medical research.”

Here is a graphical representation.

Since all of these people’s salaries and livelihoods are dependent upon this money coming from NIH, Gates, and the Wellcome Trust, you can be assured loyalty to whatever ideology is held by them. Duh.

So imagine the possibilities with this power structure when COVID-19 was declared an emergency. What happened? The entire “health” establishment fell lock-step in line with the narrative given by the people who control the purse-strings. It always goes back to money, not necessarily human health.

COVID represented a financial windfall for all of these people in control of the pandemic response.

BOOK, Page 298, “Gates celebrated his Microsoft retirement by directing a river of money to build six manufacturing plants for different COVID vaccines…” W

ow, how thoughtful and benevolent - he wanted to give these away for free, right?

Oh no, this was all going to be paid for by the consumers and taxpayers.


A tag-team duet of Fauci and Gates told the world that the only way back to “normal” was to get injected with the vaccines that a bureaucrat and a billionaire created (which they profited from) - and they now had an army of people who are financially dependent upon thiese beasts, to ensure a standardized message and compliance.

Obedience to money is awesome!

More in the next installment!

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