God: Unclassified (The Devil & Dick Feynman, or How Long Can Ewe Tread Water?)

2 years ago


It is the home of the most government scientist in the nation, ranked 14th in the nation for holders of graduate degrees and the locality in Virginia where--don't le the Christmas lights fool ya--only about 32.8% profess a religious affiliation at all, and in Arlington, Virginia, where Don Beyer, Jr., the luxury automobile mogul and 13th wealthiest member of Congress, has somehow convinced the most educated, by credential voters that, even after the party nomination convention deadline, VA8GOP is attempting to recruit an extremist to defeat him in the most reliable Democrat Party congressional district in the Commonwealth, where a bookie wouldn't lay odds on a Republican picking up a seat, to contribute to his, on average, $1.3 million re-election campaign, to which even he never contributes a dime.

If you are ever invited to a poker game and don't know who the sucker is, it is probably, statistically speaking, you, and, exceeding the state average of 80.8% having been administered at least one dose, in a state where 45.7% profess a religious faith, and in the nation, where 81,5% have been administered at least one dose of pandemic opiate, 85.67% of residents over the age of five have done so, with 76.51% fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 countermeasure, developed with no knowledge of the infectious dose and associated correlates of protection, and approved by the FDA, where many work, on the basis of a mere preprint of an efficacy test, far below the controlling CFR standard requiring an effectiveness test. But, if you were to ask them, just like when the Arlington Public School Board removed the words "high standards" from their mission statement, a "pedantic exercise in creative writing, according to one senior DoD employee who served as the Chairperson, because they were already doing it, they would tell you that they were convinced that they were "doing something right", in homage to the Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney who had run unopposed and managed to secure 97%, elected by overwhelmingly popular majority, in a town where the Lord Mayor, is a graduate of a "selective" college where 90% of those who bother to complete an application are admitted. The epitome of democratic "excellence", no better exemplified than in the achievement gap they have been constantly striving to eliminate in schools that a recently elected Democrat had to concede ranked a letter grade of D, as in Democrat.

And, into this mix, as he had, inviting the ire of the Progressive Voters Guide, dared to oppose the government response to the current public health crisis, with VA8GOP in conspicuous abstention, one fringe independent, is taking on another lost cause, even beyond saving names of schools bearing the names of "Confederate" Generals, Arlington GOP in abstention, rainbow flags, Alexandria GOP in abstention, and abortion, VAGOP in abstention, takes on the "settled law" from the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. And recognized as a "Lynchburg Baptist" and alumnus of the disdained Liberty University, one would expect a hearty and robust volley of progressive intellectual might to soundly rebuff these "ramblings" of some "right wing conspiracy theorist", obviously off his meds. But, perhaps his one man stand, defending against attacks for 15 minutes from the NOVA Urban League on the issue of public charter schools, have given sufficient cause for the loving liberals to mind appropriate clinical practice not to attempt to incite this crazy to do something desperate, in the words of Matt Wavro, former Chairman of the Arlington GOP, who was convinced he was a liberal who should join the Democrats.

Of course the ignoramus got tripped up on his paperwork and thought they meant he should join them as defendants in court.

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