2 years ago

Received some nice feedback for the video on birds

Here is a great story

I share a powerful story from a guy who had stage 4 cancer who theorised why birds sing.

This was taken from a book called Radical Remission. Mr Shin had accepted that he was going to die. The hospital had done all they could and he decided to spend his remaining days at home

Whilst at home, Mr Shin was waking up early to the Sun Rise everyday. During this he discovered something amazing

47 minutes before sunrise on the dot, the birds would always sing. After monitoring, he created an experiment with his pet birds. During the evening he released oxygen into the cage.

Low and behold, the birds started tweeting.

Exactly 47 minutes before sunrise, the trees release all the oxygen. It’s like they wake up and let it out. The oxygen quantity at this time is at its highest and he soon started spending more time in nature to take advantage of this

He grew stronger day by day whilst spending whilst learning how to love himself Moore

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