Byshok: "The sanctions will make Russians rely even more on the state and its authorities"

2 years ago

”On the Barricades” - s04e13

This is the second part of our interview with Russian political scientist Stanislav Byshok, who decided to sit down with the hosts of "On the Barricades" and discuss the crisis and how the Russian public perceives the situation overall, despite recent harsh measures against critical voices imposed by the authorities. In the previous segment, we discussed how, in general, the initial reactions to the invasion shifted rather quickly. In this episode, we discuss the sanctions and the massive campaign to cancel Russia and Russians in the Western world.

Are any of the West's hopes even realistic? Could deficits in Coca-Cola or iPhones really cause a public outpouring of rage against the government and the president? Are the Russians deeply offended by the strong reactions in the majority of European countries? How has life in Russia changed since the 24th of February?

This and more will be covered in the second installment of our conversation with Stanislav Byshok, which will be broadcast on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and SoundCloud, and it will be available on other platforms soon!

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