Charlie Kirk Show MELTS DOWN As Reporter Spews Bonkers Conspiracy Pushed By Glenn Greenwald

2 years ago

Charlie Kirk Struggles To Mute Independent Reporter Lara Logan As She Tries To Tie A Glenn Greenwald Pushed Theory That The U.S. Was Working On Bio-Weapons In Labs In Ukraine Back To The Worldwide COVID Vaccination Effort. Sam Seder and the MR Crew discuss.

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Sam Seder: Laura Logan was the one who got very very upset at the late Michael Hastings for his essentially reporting on McChrystal, who was the Jay Sock general right? And she got she was offended by what he did and then and she was on CBS at that time and then something happened to her things got a little bit weird cracked a little bit chewy. I think at one point too wasn't she yeah? And she's now an investigative journalist I guess she was before a war correspondent and she's on the Charlie Kirk show and here she is talking about the completely debunked theory that the US was working on bioweapons in labs in Ukraine...

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