‘It’s a Trap’: U.S. Soldier Recounts Harrowing Ordeal Trying to Fight for & Later Flee Ukraine

2 years ago

“So for any of you who are wondering what is going on, all right, we were part of the Georgia National Legion 102nd Ukrainian territorial defense, OK. Our base got fucked up, the base right next to us got fucked up. Americans, British, tons of British death, alright? They’re not saying nothing, they’re counting our dead is they’re dead. They’re trying to send us to Kiev with no fucking weapons. No kid, no fucking plates. The people who are lucky enough to get weapons are only getting magazines with like 10 fucking rounds, OK. When they wanted to send us to Kiev, we said no, our whole group bunch of Americans, Canadians, British. So they told us we had to get the fuck out of there or they we’re going to shoot us in the back, alright. So me, this British guy and another American, we fucking hid in the back of an ambulance to get out. We got to the border. And it was a whole another mess. When you get to the border, anyone who has kit, anyone who has any military shit, they’re fucking pulling you out of the line and they’re sending you back to the front. This human — we got dropped off about five clicks from the fucking — from the border and we walked. And we get to the border in this humanitarian group with a bunch of ex SF veterans from England, pull us to side saying you need to get like pulled us out and fucking like hid us. And they were like you need to dump all your kit. They’re pulling people out, cutting up passports, sending them back. So we dumped our shit, we got like an over fucking — we got like Red Cross vests and they had like fucking humanitarian passes to get us through the Ukrainian border. People need to stop coming here. It’s a trap. And they’re not letting you fucking leave. The best way to leave is like in a [indecipherable] or a car or something. People who get on by vehicle have a better chance of hiding their fucking kit in the bag, doing whatever the fuck they can but do not travel in Ukraine on foot if you’re volunteer. It’s a mess. And it’s — it’s a trap. And I have multiple people who can confirm this story for me.”


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