Mandates, Passports, and the Pandemic of the Comorbidities

2 years ago

Mandates and passports are completely politicized. They are in place to coerce people into an experimental medical choice with no informed consent or accountability. This isn't about health.

The data and most studies support that this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated (even Fauci himself declared during Delta that the viral load in unvaccinated and vaccinated are equivalent), it is a pandemic of the comorbidities, namely 1) obesity 2) anxiety and 3) diabetes etc.

Not meant to attack anyone, but obese people also shed for longer and replicate the virus at a higher rate. This is the number one comorbidity causing death, yet Public Health, the government, and the media they pay, have been hiding it the majority of this pandemic when they have known this whole time.

If they cared about your health, they would be promoting vitamins, exercise, stress reduction (instead of fear porn), and proper sleep. But rather, their focus has been on a vaccine with double declining efficacy and a slew of risky side effects. Not to mention no early case treatment options (this will be covered in a later episode). But this is about your health, right?

Further, it is no wonder why we need to search for the truth ourselves from non Western MSM, independent journalism, and knowledge expert channels.

If you follow the links in the sources below, you will find the studies reviewed in the bio of the original video.


Fox 13 Tampa Bay - Live: Gov. DeSantis signs bills preventing vaccine mandates from Brandon, Florida

UnHerd (Freddie Sayers) - Israeli vaccine chief We have made mistakes

Yahoo Finance - Dr. Fauci on COVID-19 spread Vaccinated people who have an... infection are capable of transmitting

DW News - Scientists try to assess the impact of the Omicron wave in South Africa | DW News

Dr. John Campbell - Omicron, SA, UK, US in that order

Mike Mutzel, MS:

High Intensity Health - Obesity, Poor Metabolic Health Spread More Virus (viral load deep dive)

High Intensity Health - Obesity & C*VID are Interconnected: a Call to Action to Address this Big Epidemic

High Intensity Health - New Analysis of Health Conditions & High Risk for C 19 Anxiety, Obesity + More

CTV News - 'I've lost family' Political strategists have fiery debate over COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Canada

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