FFXIV Endwalker MSQ 57-In Search of Hermes

2 years ago

I was kinda of in awe of Elpis so this one is a bit slow going because I wanted to see as much as I could without going too off track.

1:36 First Cutscene
So they re-affirm that they can see the color of ones souls. Did the game ever tell us what color our souls are? I am going back through Shadowbringers on another character and I just cannot remember. And I literally have all dialogue recorded from Shadowbringers and Endwalker.

So the aether thing means Emet could literally track us in Shadowbringers from quite the distance it sounds like which makes sense since he found us wherever we went.

6:37 Cutscene with Hermes
I think we are slightly creeped out by Meteion's attention. I am not even sure I can decipher that look she gives Hythlodaeus.

Ok, the ambystomas are adorable and sneaky little guys. Does anyone know how many of them there are to find in um...certain cutscenes?

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