This Generation, ISIS and the Restrainer

2 years ago

For more info about America, the Babylon:

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 10/26/14 at Independence Baptist Church in Belleview, Florida. Bible texts: Matthew
and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. This message is Part 3 of a 7-part series of messages on Bible prophecy promoting the thesis that the seven seal judgments of the book of Revelation were NOT fulfilled in history, but are about to be loosed; that the time of great tribulation that Christ spoke will likely commence in just a few short years.This series of sermons on Bible prophecy builds on our conclusion that America IS the last days political and commercial Babylon of Revelation 18, the daughter of religious Babylon seen in Revelation 17, which is papal Rome. As such, the global American-led "New World Order" empire that has been built over the last several decades is in fact the Revived Roman Empire long expected by prophecy scholars.

This message, Part 3 of the series, answers two related but controversial subjects. First we answer the meaning of Christ's statement in Matt.
, that "this generation" shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled. Preterists say this verse shows that Christ's prophecy had to be completely fulfilled in 70 AD when Rome destroyed Jerusalem; which is IMPOSSIBLE, as shown in Luke's account of the Olivet discourse, which shows clearly that the particular "this generation" in view was to be a FUTURE generation, living at the close of the church age, long after the dispersion of the Jews in AD 70, and AFTER Jerusalem is "trodden of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke

We next explain why the "restrainer" of 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 is NOT the Holy Spirit as proposed by the heretic C.I. Scofield, but is in fact the person of the antichrist, whose coming must precede Christ's 2nd Advent, and who will be "taken out of the way" at Christ's coming.

Finally in this message we address ISIS, the latest public enemy of the New World Order, which was reportedly created, funded and equipped by American and British agents for the purpose of bringing about a "regime change" in Syria, as was accomplished in Irag, Egypt and Libya.

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