2 years ago

President Trump is America's One & Only New York Nemesis & "The-Teflon-Don", bullet proof in his resolve to MAG & keep it that way "So-Help-Us-God"!!! The original true red white & blue "American-God", of the people for the people & by the people not a "Liberal-Mob"!!! America's very own "Personal-Connection", by our "Individual-Selection" & through a "Legitimate-Election"!!! Leading America back to the promised land of "Milk-&-Honey", that's bought & paid for with good ole fashioned hard earned "American-Money"!!! The only man that ever took "The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus Title Away", making any Trump American patriotic election rally "The Greatest Show on Earth Today"!!! Every American has had their fill of government corruption "Mismanagement-&-Disease", we now know exactly where it all originates & "Where-It-Breeds", now it becomes the silent majorities turn to feel that overwhelming "Need-to-Feed"!!! America's message to the corrupt Democrat's & Rhino's is that we "Won't Abide Anymore", in any way shape or form in any kind of blatant "Voter-Fraud-Score", try that once more & America will serve you up "Your Just Reward!! Re-appropriating everything that the corrupt Demo's & Rhino's have stolen from us American's "Over Generations", starting with mandating term limits for all elected officials while appropriately fining & jailing them for the "Slightest Misappropriations", in new courts actually policed by & for the people that have no bias nor "Political Affiliations"!!! Donald J. Trump was America's greatest & only president that wasn't really a "Politician", by addressing & solving America's problems all on his own like a "Mathematician", being a smart business man running America like the people's profit sharing "Corporation"!!! Trump knew that like in any mathematical equation it's only common sense that the numbers have to fairly "Add Up", that if there's any corruption of the numbers someone always doesn't get their fair share while another gets way "Too Much", now he's back for the last time risking everything for America before she falls & it's not a question if he is but if your "Tough Enough"??? PERIOD!!!

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