PBS, part deux: Holding on to Covid like Grim Death

2 years ago

More on last night's PBS news hour, this on covid and the selling of pandemic continuation. I have to say I was surprised the extent to which they are in denial of "science" and the numbers, and in fairly blatant ways. Again they employ another dubious deep state character from the Atlantic to sell their message, which essentially is, I guess, to keep vaccinating and locking down, in denial of increasingly widespread natural immunity, the positive impact of omicron, and finally reaching the point of herd immunity and endemicity. The pandemic phase of covid is all but OVER, and all the restrictions should be as well.

The funniest thing this guest said was "we put in measures to protect lives for all sorts of things... the terrorist attacks of 9/11 changed our lives in ways that we're still feeling today" - what's he talking about there, the invasive, irritating procedures at airports, or the national security state which was instituted by the Patriot Act, attacking personal privacy in every imaginable way? Is he claiming that has been for our collective good?? Christ...

3/16 update - supporting what I said here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkjBi7dOTAg

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