Biden as Vice President bought off on a Ukrainian Coup d'etat..

2 years ago

Forwarded form vDarkess Falls:

Their comments:

Ukraine leads DIRECTLY to 9/11.
I hope the 🌍 is ready to find out WHAT has been TRULY happening cuz they're about to find out

Victoria Nuland's husband is Robert Kagan. He co-founded the Project for the New American Century in 1998.

A project that insisted we needed a "New Pearl Harbor Event" ( 9/11 ) that would allow our foot into the Middle-East to set up the premise to invade & destroy the governments in 7 countries in 5 years:

Under the guise of 9/11, it was accomplished with Bush’s invasion

In Ukraine, Nuland, her husband & their cabal friends saw an opportunity to poke Putin by encouraging violent protests to overthrow Russia friendly President Yanukovych & place an entirely new regime consisting of United States puppets, hostile to Russia

Here she is speaking about the coup d'état in Ukraine, stating that JAKE SULLIVAN specifically told her she NEEDS, then Vice President Biden, to be on board with the regime change, give an atta' boy & that BIDEN is willing.

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