Crazy / Stupid ~ Strange FAKE ✈ Planes { 1 } on Rum !

2 years ago

NEW ♦2022 ~ Super FAKE Planes! EXTREMELY Weird,STRAÑGÊ, Airplanes that NEVER EXISTED→ Except Maybe ONE→ With Photoshop! ► FIND THE 'ONE' THAT's REAL-

a Follow-up to the (4,000,000+ View) Original Strange Planes Original 2020.-


Link to songs-
*Audio track is TeknoAXE's Royalty Free:Dubstep Mix (TeknoAXE Dubstep Mix 2012)-
Cheap Hair Metal -

Artist's links:

Terms- from artists site:
It is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.**

*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video. No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person (such as myself) or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.

Produced by:
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

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