Puppy worms: symptoms and how to treat.

2 years ago

Puppy worms: symptoms and how to treat.
Worms in dogs is a dangerous disease, as it is not visible and may go unnoticed by the guardian. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the feces and the behavior of your puppy to identify it.
The best way to identify a worm disease is by the behavior of the animal.
Usually, he is happy and full of energy and when he is sad and does not want to play or even when it's time to eat, if he is leaving the food for a long time in the container, it may be a sign that deserves your concern, he may be with worms.
3 most common types of worms in dogs:Ringworm:1 these worms usually appear in puppies, this can come from nursing, or insects. This disease causes vomiting and malnutrition. 2 Tapeworm: This disease comes from fleas, which have eggs that contain tapeworm. This worm can cause malnutrition in the animal, 3 Whipworm - Trichuriasis: this worm is transmitted through moist soils, so if your dog lives on grass or very moist environments, the tendency is that he has the whipworm. This disease causes weakness and malnutrition.
Whipworm in dogs usually appears when they are puppies, so it is always worrying, because puppies have low immunity.
However, worms in puppies can happen at other ages as well, so taking your dog to the vet on a regular basis is the best way to treat this disease.
It is very important that the guardian takes his dog to the veterinarian and follows his instructions when it comes to vaccinations; having these medications up to date can prevent these worms from being contracted by your dog.

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