Lt. Governor Josh Green Heckled by Angry Protesters in Honolulu (Part 2)

2 years ago

Here's some footage you did not see from yesterday's 1 min clip. On March 14, 2022, A Controversial Sexual Education Bill 1697 Protest at the Hawaii State Capitol happened to take place right next to an awareness campaign promoting the ban of flavored tobacco products where Lt. Governor Josh Green happened to be present. Keep in mind that most of the people protesting against Bill 1697 were members of the Hawaii Republican Party, evangelical Christian groups, and Anti-Mandate folks. The people at the other outdoor event appeared to be a bunch of democrats including Governor Ige’s wife and Honolulu Rep. Adrian Tam among other democrat leaders. They were all masked up despite the fact that there hasn’t been an outdoor mask mandate for half a year and the indoor mask mandate is set to drop on March 25. However, all the attention seemed to be centered on Lt. Governor Josh Green (Hawaii’s Covid Liaison) for his role in promoting the scamdemic over the last two years which caused many people to lose their jobs, the greatest societal division in world history due to the vax and mask coercion, bullying, and discrimination. A lot of Parents are really pissed off that even though the mask mandate will come to an end next week, the kids still have to wear them in school for 7 hours a day. Josh Green playing good cop bad cop with David Ige should have publicly requested that the Governor lift the mask mandate for our children who are attending school but he didn’t want to upset the Teachers Union or step on any toes of mind controlled teachers that think that covid will kill them if their students were to take off their masks. Green, you are a p—— for not pushing the Governor to remove the mask mandate from our schools. Green you have brought this negative attention on yourself and we won’t let you forget about it.
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